B&C Takes a position on climate change



Reading the spring issue of Fair Chase I see a good article on climate change and B&C's position to support further science and implementation of policy to mitigate the effects of climate change on wildlife if one is needed.

If TR were alive today I think this would be excacty his stand on the issue. let's find out and if there is anything we can do , if there is then lets do it. my attitude as well.

A great position from a great organization. what else would you expect from the club a president who set aside 50,000 acres of public land for every day he was in office started. Obama, Hillary and McCain can jump off a bridge, I want Teddy back.
You and I don't agree on much but on Teddy we agree. When we could use a TR when will he show up.
Wow, chalk up another me and dude agree on...I especially like the part about jumping off a bridge.

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