B-ball on the Smurf Turf?


Holy cow! I switched over from the Rockies game last night to ESPN to see that a basketball game had erupted and the players were in full pads! 67-69??!!!! Are you freaking kidding me? It was an awesome game with absolutely no defense whatsoever, except on the very last play (a forced two-point conversion in the 4th OT). Those boys were tired - but a great game. Too bad the Wolfpack couldn't pull it out. I wish I had Ian Johnson on my fantasy team. The kid is an all out stud! Hope he does well at the next level. What a fun fun game to watch.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I was there, and you couldn't believe the atmosphere. It was un-real. The Freshman quarterback for Nevada is the real deal. I'm sorry to say that we will have to play against him for the next 3 years, ugh! Great game, too bad either team had to lose.

Its fair chase, or its foul!
That would have been a great one to attend! A real gut-wrencher! Nevada may be on the upswing! You boys will have to watch out!

Gotta love college football!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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