AZSFW/AZSFWC Announces Excuse for HB 2072


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-12 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]Message from the Chairman

Greetings AZSFWC members! You haven't heard from us in a while, but let me assure you, our organization and member groups continue moving forward in our efforts to help wildlife and habitat, as well as keeping sportsmen and women informed on issues critical to all of us in Arizona.

Some of our members recently expressed concern with some proposed legislation, HB 2072. However, AZSFWC did not sponsor HB 2072, nor introduce HB 2072. We did hear an overview of the bill at our December Board meeting, and the Board voted to support the concept. We viewed the benefits as presented for sportsmen and women, youth, access and wildlife, not to mention Arizona's economy, as very positive.

Part of our Mission is education, and we'll endeavor to keep you informed, even on controversial subjects. Last fall we brought up the Mexican Gray wolf in one of our newsletters. Feedback on that one ran the gamut from we didn't know what we were talking about, to gratitude and thanks for the update! We'll try to keep you informed and let you decide your own position on the matter. Since that message, the USFWS continues with their wolf assessment and recovery plans, and we hope to learn more about the details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, Congress is considering legislation to move management of the wolves back to the states. And last but not least, the Center for Biological Diversity is holding a seminar next week on "Lions, Wolves and Bears". You can draw your own conclusions as to what might come out of that meeting.

In 2011, the AZSFWC/WCC distributed over $112,000 in project funds from our license plate funds. We anticipate even more funds being granted towards wildlife, habitat and education projects in 2012! We had a couple organizations decide not to join us this year, which was unfortunate. However our recruitment efforts haven't ended, and at our February Board meeting voted unanimously to bring in as new members the Arizona BASS Federation Nation, Arizona Chapter of Safari Club International and Arizona Houndsmen's Association.

As we come into the Spring Banquet Season, I would urge you to make a donation to our member organizations, and even better, attend one of their fundraising events! There is still time to attend the AZ Antelope Foundation fundraiser this weekend, and the AZ Deer Association fundraiser next weekend. Please refer to our calendar below for additional events hosted by our member groups. Help them make a difference!

Yours in Conservation, Jim Unmacht
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-12 AT 08:07AM (MST)[p]So there you have it folks. We've been waiting a month for the dust to settle and this is what comes out.

Basically............We had nothing to do with it, but now we think it's a great idea.

Not only are AZSFW & AZSFWC in bed together, they have the same mailing address and share board members. Is it possible to have a thinner veil? A piece of paper does not excuse the abortion that was HB 2072. They are both guilty. They are both guilty in promising not to bring wealth tags to Arizona. They are both guilty of being the driving force behind what I consider to be the worst single event prostitution of wildlife attempt in US history. All after they promised they wouldn't, in an effort to drum up new members.

Simply setting up a seperate org on paper to deflect negative agendas doesn't cut it. That is exactly what Don Peay did when he formed Big Game Forever, apart from SFW. It's just a political joke.

Liars are liars.

Wildlife pimps are wildlife pimps.


But hey.....It's all good.
WOW! Thanks for that.
In the Boycott Thread I posted that there were some people I know respect and trust involved With SFW here in COlO.
I have since called them and guess what? None of the guys I Know, respect and trust are still associated with SFW in CO.
They told me that they do still believe and I agree we need a grass roots sportsman group here but SFW is NOT IT!

I do expect there to be a tag grab of some kind here in the near future. And I hope we can put the boots to them like AZ did.
Pretty sad when you have to weave a web like that to pacify your own members. The other half of the organization has already admitted to introducing the bill, I wonder how they're going to back-pedal now that everyone is chapped about it.
If you read the letter that SFW came out with yesterday in it's entirety, it would appear they are going to keep trying to convince the deaf, dumb, and blind to get behind that crap to get it passed sooner or later, even after this initial debacle that created a firestorm amongst most spotspersons!!! Any person now affiliated with those two groups that can't see through all the crap their leaders are trying to foist on everyone must be dumber than a stump!!!
God only knows, but I'm sure we'll hear something that's real insightful in the next day or two when he figures it all out, LOL!
Does not matter to me what the two groups do. They are in Arizona and I do not hunt there. Since they are not a member of Sportsman for Fish and Wildlife and I do not live or hunt in Arizona I do not care. Have a great evening Topgun
There you go Deerlove! He doesn't care because he's in NM, LOL! For someone who doesn't care, but should, he's sure been making a lot of posts regarding the matter. Wait until this whole thing blows up in his face in NM in the next few years and he finally realizes what is happening and he's been sold a bill of goods. Then he will probably come running back here for help and all of us can just say: "We don't care because we don't live or hunt in NM!".

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