AZGF Meeting Tomorrow


New Member
Anyone interested, Which all in AZ should be as well as any other state that has a restrictions on NON res hunters. The meeting will be tomorrow at the G&F building after the phone conference with Judge Broomfield. I myself would like to see all those that can skin a couple hours off work be there. I have heard some say taht there were only 120 people there on Friday, this is possibly true although I think it was more than 120, but that was with less than 24 hours notice from the G&F. If every hunter in the state had been informed of the seriousness and possibilities on this a month ago I assure you more would have been there. We rely on our G&F and conservation groups to step in, I understand that because for years I have done it myself until, recently. Because I recognize the real threat to our way of life.
We need to be heard, and we can't be heard if we don't say anything. And by just being there in a large group of obviously pissed off people, that's saying something. But the real statements on this are going to have to be heard at the supreme court level, at least that is how I see it from here. The 9th circuit judges, of which none hunt, have ruled, their rule can only be overturned b y the Supreme court.
With that in mind ladies and gentlemen I can happily say that they are the most overturned court in the history of this great nation. A nation where the people rule and not the 9th circuit. Let's roll!
I'll be driving up from Tucson with as many as I can convince to skip work tomorrow.
I agree with what you say.
We really need to let some know how important this is to us.
Just FYI, the draw results for Antelope, sheep and buffalo should be posted tomorrow morning.

And dont forget to email USO and thank them for their greed.
Good luck at the meeting today. Let us know how things turn out. I shot emails to the AZ Attorney General and G&F early this morning (my time), as well as to those groups that sponsor USO. No responses yet. Hopefully they get the point.

Thanks for fighting the fight. I'll be back later this year to help where needed if there is still anything to fight about.


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