AZ Sheep hunt questions for those who gone before


New Member
Hey guys, its app time again in AZ and like most other i have never sheep hunted. My question is this, if you went how far was your shot? gun or bow? reason i ask is i am trying to figure out what unit in AZ may have an edge for an archer. i would take both weapons but would prefere to apply for a archery friendly unit if possible. Any ideas?
I don't think any one unit is easier than the next or offers better cover for concealment. I have 9 bonus points so far and I have recently been applying to other states since it doesn't look to good here as a res. Most of the sheep are along the east and western borders however there are some in the center of the state. I have some freinds of freinds that are into sheep so I may have access to info. Stay in touch.
Ive been on several Desert Sheep hunts and have never really gotten within archery range. But ive been on some Rocky Mtn. Sheep hunts were your just about able to feed them out of your hand. I would say If you wanted to get a nice Archery shot stick with the Rockies.
I have hunted sheep many times in az and most were taken with a bow.Desert or Rockies are very easy to sneak on with a little help.Most deserts will sleep near the top of a rim or ridge all night,bed them down and be on the other side at day break.In dec they will stay bedded a little longer to soak up the morning sun.Sheep are made for a bow and don't let others talk you out of it!
I know the petrogliphs here often picture desert sheep hunters and desert sheep. And I know they did not have rifles, or for that matter compound bows. Other game is depecticted much less often.
>Pat (lickbag),
>If you draw that MT tag,
>I will get you within
>bow range.;-)

Miller (buttmunch) i know you will, but with you holding the sheep from behind it wont be much challenge shooting it.

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