AZ resident steals Idaho goat tag

We give one out every once in a while, to keep the gajillion dollars in license and application money coming in from hopefuls like yourself. :)
Boy, ain't that the truth! Of course, as long as Garth and the other application services perpetuate the myth of great draw odds in Idaho, lots of "fools" will be donating $190+ a year.

In reality there were over 200 applicants for every non-resident Rocky bighorn tag issued and over 100 applicants for every California sheep tag issued.

Congrats on the goat permit! You definitely hit the lottery. Hope you kill a great one!
AZ NR have to buy a license now to put in so they are out the $100 plus for almost no chance also, I feel like I hit the lottery thanks for the good wishes,

Who is Garth?
>I want Garth to have a

If that dumbazz wasn't ruining peoples hunting odd's, some other schmuck would be filling the role...
Garth is an easy target for some because he created a better mouse trap. The publication is a very quick source for solid stats and the articles are excellent. I find his publication to be a very valuable tool, but it should not be the only tool when considering hunt applications.

I think they do an excellent job and have always been more than helpful when I call.


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