AZ NR Hunter Education class April 24th in Kingman!


Very Active Member
OK guys, here is the deal.

We'll be doing our last (for 2010) supplemental Hunter Education classes for non-resident hunters who have taken and passed a hunter education class in another state since 1980, on Saturday, April 24, here in Kingman.

We have about 15 people signed up and in looking over the list there are a ton of guys and gals out there that could flat use that permanent bonus point that is issued when you take and pass this class.

Class is long; 12 hours, but I think most of the folks who have taken it will tell you it is fairly informative and you'll probably learn something, especially if you interested in really knowing how the bonus point system works in Arizona, and some basic draw suggestions.

You have to register with Dave Williams at G&F in Phx and he'll get you on the list that I can teach. Call me at 928-681-4867 and I'll give you his number or e-mail me at [email protected] You can also call the main number in Phx (602-942-3000) and they can connect you.

I know it is a pain to come out, but really if it means the odds get better for you to draw a tag then why not do it, if you are serious about drawing in Arizona.

Class is cheap, how does $5 per person sound!

Hey, we must know what we are talking about as THREE of the hunter ed team that will be teaching you in this class got elk tags this year!

Don Martin
Chief Instructor
AZ Hunter Education
Kingman, AZ

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-10 AT 06:59AM (MST)[p]Thx Don!

Any other dates scheduled through the year that I could plan farther in advance for?

"Burned" my points in AZ a couple years back and am dying to come out again!

Bill Martin

PS my fathers name is Don, can that get me an extra point? lol

Wow good to hear from you!

You're not going to believe this, but my dad's name was William B. Martin. He went by Bill...

The next NR class we'll be teaching will be on the first Saturday of 2011.

Hope you come out..

Don Martin
Took the class 2 years ago. Drew AZ elk this year. I am not holding out for 20 years so will draw good archery elk every 5 years with the ed point and the loyalty point starting me out at 2 rather than 0 when draw. Over the next 20 years, will get an extra couple of elk tags so was well worth it for me and I am not in the max or max-1 group. If you are in max or max-1...get enrolled now. My 2 cents.

Am I reading your first paragragh correctly?, As a non resident I would have had to take a hunters saftey class since 1980 to be able to take your class? I took and passed Utah's course prior to 1980...I'm 48.


I'm going to answer this question for Don as I believe he is out fishing for a few days and I am one of the instructors on his Hunter Ed Team. You read his post correctly, you would need to have earned a hunter education/safety certificate sometime from 1980 to the present to participate in the one-day class in AZ to earn the permanent Hunter Education Bonus Point.

Perhaps you'd have time to take Utah's resident class and still get in on our last class on the 24th?

Good Luck,
Anyone know of an AZ archery deer season open at that time? I'll be in NE for whitetails Xmas week.

So is it Jan 8th 2011 then? And is the point effective/in time for the 2011 draw?

That's pretty cool Don, my son is named Dustin, can we X3 this lol?


Yes, archery deer will be open, and tags are over the counter.

Still time to register to take this class.


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