AZ Help

  • Thread starter Mike Awkismaul (Guest)
  • Start date

Mike Awkismaul (Guest)


I am from Arkansas and am planning a hunting trip to the AZ Strip area for next fall. Any help would be appreciated on where to start. What would be the best unit to put in for etc? I can reciprocate if anyone wants to come hunt our big whities.


I did not know it was a draw. What do I need to do to draw a tag? Is there a website that information can be gathered from?
Are you looking to rifle hunt or archery hunt. Archery tags are over the counter. Rifle tags are extremely hard to draw. Check out the game and fish website.

Mike, Where do you live in Arkansas? I was born and raised in AZ, and have good knowledge of hunting the state. I now live in Greenbrier, AR. E-mail me @ [email protected], and I'll give you some ideas.
Mike, visit and give those guys a call. They were helpful to me when I wanted info on Arizona. The easiest draws for the strip (if you can say "easy") are 12a West and 13a. I would recommed either for a mature mule deer. Been on both and saw good bucks with little knowledge of the area. The other Strip units are really difficult to draw and not much better in quality. Don't forget to apply for elk while you sending in an application. They have a herd in 12a that they want to get rid of (good draw chance)and units 6a and 7 offer big bulls.
> What do
>I need to do to
>draw a tag?

Well I have max bonus points which means I havent drawn any of the above mentioned units in I think 8 years! My guess if you win your local lottery you better put in, otherwise you in 15,000 other hunters will be wondering the same thing this year.
the "strip" is unit 13B which is the hardest unit to draw in the country! better plan on hunting elsewhere if you don't have any points and a non-rez. the kaibab (unit 12a &b) is also tuff to draw. the kaibab is at an all time low for deer numbers and quality. i'd look elsewhere, like some of the high country units in colorado. if you're looking for OTC look at idaho or new mexico. sorry for the poor report, but it's the truth. don't waste your time.

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