Az desert sheep (your gonna like this one)



I took this pic in 44BN of Az last year. There are actually 5 rams in this pic.
Brian i am sending the pics to you. Plus acouple more of another ram that I will make a thread for( what does this ram score?)



Question regarding scoring.....Does mass mean a good score, or is it length? I saw some Desert's the other day and some were good in mass and full curls and some were ok in mass but like spirals.....equating to longer length....What scores better?
Unless you have a ram that has 38" horns or longer the answer would be mass. Usually a more massive ram does not appear to be as long as a thinner ram. Take into consideration that are 8 total mass measuremets as opposed to 2 total lenght measurments. Also on the lenght issue draw a line that is 1" wide and twelve inches long, then draw a line that is 6" wide by 12" long. Put the two on opposite sides of you and the thinner will look longer but it is not.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-06 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]pretty tight curl but HEAVY ! I would guess 33 to 34 inches long and will score about 176.

thats pretty close to what we think also, but we give him 34-35 on his length, but mass is his greatest point. A week later we took a ram in there that scored 176. It was not the same ram, this ram was with him and apeared to be larger! But we could not find him for several days so we took the 176(pretty tough to pass the ram). Since then we have seen this ram 4 differant times 1 time this June. But I will never get my own tag!
We were thinking 34-35 not 36 but I have 3 rams in my house a 167, 169 and a 173. But that is the hardest thing about sheep hunting! So many horn structures, how much mass per 1-4 mass measuerments? Every bit counts or dosn't count. I think nothing is harder than judging sheep until they hit the ground. Even after 14 guided sheep I still find myself pondering!

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