az apps and divorce !!!



Holy cow !!! I just sent off over 1800.00 in applications and realized that if I wasnt divorced I would be now for sure !!!!!!!!! That new system hurts bad !!! Gary
I hear ya. I just finished tonight for me, a resident buddy and a buddy from back home in TX. In all, they clipped me for 1200.00 as well. If they had put in for everything, it would have been well over 2K. Now I just hope they keep all of it!!

Wait until next year. Nonresident tag caps of $1200 deer, $3200 elk, $3000 sheep. Even if they go to 1/2 that............ That will be tough for a guy paying alimony and child support, or a married guy too. Combining that with the up front money will get lots of nonresidents to fold. I doubt that the up front money will make much difference this year.
Oh the wonderfull benefits of being a batchelor!!! Atleast if your broke it is because of stuff you want to do!!
You need to talk with 'muzz' he is still down and out about going thru his big 'D'..... life is grand! ha
Garth called said you was going to touchbase with me.... got ya on the other E-mail and will get back with Gary.

El-Fd.... getting some 'intel' put together for ya on HCB tag.... just got back early this AM.... kinda groggy....

Actually I wish all these states would go Cash up front!! screw point codes and credit cards!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-05 AT 04:30PM (MST)[p]IF a women doesnt understand you shouldnt be with her.Thats why I could only put in for Elk this year. Its only gonna get wosre. At least they are giving us a few extras. Consider it a savings account. Good luck on the draw! I went through one of those divorses this year myself. The great thing is you can go out hunting anytime you want and as long as you want with no one to tell you cant .No sleep this hunting season!
I spend money on apps..... the wife goes to Santa Fe with the girls for a weekend. We're both happy! ;-)

Do you know why divorce is so expensive?..... Because it's worth it!!! ;-) Happily divorced for 9 years now. Now it's just me and my boy hunting as much as we can. Of course she wasn't anything like DK's or HH's wives out there spotting game and enjoying the hunts. :)
Marrige is NOT in my vocabulary! But I do need an occational hunting buddy. You would think working in bow shop Id have more hunting buddys than 2 .But their wives dont seem to like me to much.Thats why the sticker thats inside my truck says { Ditch The b And lets Go Huntin } . Im just a little bitter. If they only new how much fun it was. I guess most of you out there keep that a secret....
Well Id have to have a picture for "occasional hunting buddy status" and that M word isnt in my vocabulary either for awhile!!! lol..... Gary [email protected] thats for you girlbowhunter

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