AZ Antelope



Look at my buck and see what score you come up with?? We arrived to the unit on Wed with a hunting friend Dave P. we saw lots of bucks in the 65's to med 70's during scouting. We found 2 bucks in our size range that we wanted to pursue. On opening morning we worked a 5 to 6 mile area trying to relocate our bucks. As Dave and I cleared thru the last of the Juniper trees, I looked down into the valley and found the buck with all his doe's. As we stocked into range, a white truck pulled up and stopped on the road to look at the buck and doe's. This made the doe's start to run and out of eyesight. Bummed because I was 2 seconds from pulling the trigger on a 350-yard shot, the truck took off to cut off the buck. Dave and I moved over to the left about 50 yards and the doe's came over the hillside right at us "opposed were busted". I quickly sat down and waited for the buck to appear, after a few seconds the buck showed up at about 120 yards. The STW spoke, and it was all over...with the happiness of getting a great trophy!


Holy mass! Love it, I'd guess it right at 82 or so......but those dang goats are so hard to score.

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