AyA I need some advice



Yesterday while driving Home I notice a strange smell and a cloud of smoke behind My truck. I park in My garage and notice a puddle of fluid by My passenger rear tire. I quickly figure out that My rear differential has sprung a leak. The oil has been spraying onto a round tube that runs from My engine all the way out the back of the truck. I am sure this is My driveshaft but was a little concerned because there is a big round cylinder right in the middle and Man was it glowing red hot like a Bacon Cooker.

Anyway, I begin to look for the fill port on My differential but can not find it. So I take the valve stems out of the tires to look inside there. It was a bugger breaking those beads off the rim but I still couldn't find it. About this time My neighbor arrives to show me the fill hole in the middle of the rear diff. He calls it a Pumpkin. AyA let me tell you that from that sentence I begin to get inspired by Your previous posts.

Well, now I feel a little stupid as I have all 4 tires dismounted from the rims. Not to worry. I run My barbeque propane hose over and let it run a few minutes in each tire. I stand back 5 feet and flick matches at the tires. Safety first!

After the Bomb Squad leaves, I realize I don't have any fluid for the Diff. I will have to thank My Wife when She gets home after I spot a gallon af fresh squeezed Orange Juice on the counter. I use paper towels to strain the juice as I fill.

My question is that now I have a slight whine in the rear end. Should I have left the pulp in the Juice to quiet the noise ?

Thanks in advance. You are an inspiration !
Damn funny stuff TAG!!!

"My question is that now I have a slight whine in the rear end. Should I have left the pulp in the Juice to quiet the noise?"

Tag you know when working on the differential you have to CONCENTRATE
Oh God,the Pumpkin,
This is something that happened to me before I found MM.
Again I was in the backwoods on the mountain,my truck had 7300 miles on it.
Pulled in to where we'd call camp in the middle of the night & pitched my tent,come morning we would set out to scout for trophy mule deer in the Northeast region of the uintas,we got up in good time,got in my truck 'which by the way was fairly new' I stab her in 'R' crank the wheels & Shazam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was affraid to get out and look but knew I had too,sure enough I had punctured the pumpkin,I knew I was in trouble,didn't have any kind of automotive oil anywhere,I did however have my new famous package of JB weld,the only oil we had was a 1/2 gallon of Wesson cooking oil we were gonna deep fry a Turkey with,again,sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do,so we JB welded the freshly pierced pumpkin,let it sit all day & then we poured the cooking oil in,it was still way low but hey,we got trophy mule deer to be scouting.
Seemed to be ok,kinda brushed it off it was working so well,well until I headed home a few days later,got out on the hi-way & was cruising right along & I hear this high pitched noise,it was getting worse & I mean quick,so I pulls over and I'm telling you,you could'of cooked french fries,that oil in the pumpkin was boiling,so I decided to let her cool off a bit,then up the highway I went & sure enough here came the hi pitched noise again,this time I decided to drive it a little further before letting it cool,all of a sudden was there ever an explosion of the pumpkin,scattered her well I might add.
Glad I had cell service when that happened.
Glad it was under warranty,I was thinking.
So GM came and towed me in.
But when I went to pick my truck up,they had a little cup with some of the burnt cooking oil in it and wanted to know what was up with the JB weld & the unknown oil,so I ended up paying 4539.00 for that scouting trip.
don't tease me about pumpkins,I already know what they are & how much they cost.
There are no big bucks in the northeastern region!

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!


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