AX Men.......


Long Time Member
Well, I had to watch a truck wreck, you just have to look. I thought the new season might be better....nope.

I did some research and found a list of the top 6 requirements for getting on the History Channel Ax Men show.

#1..If your IQ and the length of your favorite chain saw bar are within 10, you could be hired.

#2..If the main thing preventing you from going to college was 6th grade, you could be hired.

#3..If your insurance agent tells you, he is "sold out" when you want to buy accident and liability coverage, you could be hired.

#4..If your training and leadership skills only involve screaming, yelling and use of the "f" word in every sentence, you could be hired.

#5..If you have never worked for a REAL logging outfit and you think yours is OK, you could be hired.

#6..If your level of self respect is so low that you don't mind that 75% of the world is laughing at your incompetance, you could be hired.

This show is on a par with the "Repo Retards"...they could swap casts for a month and you would hardly notice.

"If it moves shoot it again"

#7- if you have to bolt a 60" bar on your dink 044 mag just to make people think you've got the biggest saw on earth.....

#8- if "i'm a logger" impresses you you'll probably enjoy the show & share similar TPS/LBB mentality.................

for you boys wondering what TPS/LBB is i'll explain it..........

tiny pecker syndrome & little bitty brain..........

soon the love in his heart will be the rage in his fist

Jesus is coming and boy is he pissed

Did you see the guy missing his 3 front teeth. He was dumber than a box of rocks!! But he was in ineradicable shape.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Well,I would have to say the that fits 'cause it would be hard to eradicate that dude-would have to at least borrow mtmuley's .300 RUM to get it done...

I spent 5 years working in the woods on a logging show. None of those guys would make it one day where I worked. Half of them would have been killed in accidents and the other half would have been killed by the rest of our crew.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
I agree, the only one worth his salt I think is old man Browning, owns his own co. and still working down in the rigging- old school way.
Browning boasts too much. I find it funny how Browning thinks his worthless son is going to somehow take over the company someday.

I like Rygaard logging in Washington. Old man Rygaard is hell on the new guys, which is entertaining.
>cant wait till S-n-S aqua logging
>(Sanford and son) makes its
>debut next week.

Do a google search on them. They're in hot water from the DNR for not having the permits to take logs out of the river's.

()_) ()_)---)_)

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
I'm a third generation logger and I can't stand to watch these filthy losers either. Way too much dangerous, stupid stuff, and way too much filthy language.

It's an embarrassment to real loggers.

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