


A couple of us were wondering if you were still having the get together, and if so what the date will be?

Tag - We had planned it for the 8th of August. We are tentative right now because a close friend of the family was just diagnosed with a terminal illness. For some reason it just doesn't seem right to have the party while he is suffering like he is. We will have it. It just may turn into a post season harvest party. I will let you know within the week. I do have your email address don't I?

It's always an adventure!!!
Oh, jim, i'm sorry to hear that your friend is sick, my best to him, and his friends and family(sometimes watching a friend suffer is the worst of all)

It does make having a party seem pretty small. My e-mail is linked to my profile here at MM.


AHHHHH, sorry to hear about that Jim!

Let that be your priority, parties can wait.

Maybe this way we can share some good kill photo's instead of "talking" about what we're going to kill!! ;-)

I wish you all the best of luck, especially to your friend and the family. :)

I agree with Tag and Slam........The party can wait!!!!!

Sorry to hear about your friend Jim....Spend time with him and his family and like Doug said.......We can all share pictures after the season!!!!
I figured you guys would understand. I'm sure if he felt up to it he would love to be there. He would also probably shoot me if he knew I was considering postponing it on his part. We are going to run him up the mountain next week and do a little casual scouting. Maybe we'll stop by the berryblaster grill and get a burger. The party will happen and who knows, there may be a few fresh racks in the garage to man handle by then. Thanks again and I will be sure to relay the well wishes.

It's always an adventure!!!

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