Awesome Mule Deer Hunt Video Clip


Founder Since 1999
I just added our newest Hunt of the Week clip. It's really a great one. Kregg does a super job on these. Fun stuff for sure. This one features Pappa T. taking a fine muley. It's a good one. Watch it.....

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Brian Latturner
Quite possibly the best video of all time. If this video doesn't stir some emotions within you, it's a lost cause.
>Quite possibly the best video of
>all time. If this
>video doesn't stir some emotions
>within you, it's a lost

Absolutely couldn't have said it better myself!
Great hunt and story. I love watching there videos, Kregg does a great job capturing what hunting is all about. Good memories and good times!!
Now that was a great hunt with the kids and G-Pa' it looks like they had a blast as a family.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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