
Long Time Member
The AH-64 Apache is one bad ass attack helicopter.



Neat pic's! Looks like two guys could be driving that rig. One looks stacked over the other. I imagine, one guy is driving, one is handling the weapons, is that so? Which is which?

I'd like to be the guy doing the shooting!! :) Bad azz!

I think these would be great for "Border Protection"... specifically our southern border.
AH-64 Apache Attach Helicopter.. about $14 million a copy (give or take a million). About $2,000.00 per hot start of the twin turbine engines. Both the pilot and gunner have the ability to fly the aricraft, and both must be licensed pilots to go up. Look at the Forward Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) on the front of the nose. Talk about sophisticated target acquisition. Night vision for one of their eyes at night while they fly. The other eye is protected from flash and lost vision. The 20MM electrically primed chain gun under the belly is boresighted to the helmet of the weapons guy. It points where he looks. Freaky to watch the pre-flight and see the gun follow the gaze of the gunner (especially if he looks right at you). Lots of bells and whistles here, anti-radar chaff dispenser, disco ball etc.. You do NOT want one of these looking for you. Hooooahh..

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