Average hunter


Very Active Member
How do you define the average hunter?
Is the average hunter one who don't get far from the truck? Do they just shoot the first buck they see?
What is your opinion? Just curious

That John Denver is full of $#!t man
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-10 AT 10:58AM (MST)[p]to me the average hunter is the guy that just buys his tag and goes. might take a few days off but mostly hunts weekends. some will hunt hard some will not. i dont think most 'average' hunters spend time scouting, brousing internet hunting sites, researching maps, etc.

what i think of when i say average is the greatest percentage of hunters. the average guy doesnt have the 'sickness' of the sport that most of us have!

Blacks-Creek Pack Dealer
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-10 AT 12:22PM (MST)[p]I'd say that I'm pretty much an average hunter. Too many commitments: juggling family time, both me and the wife working, as well as all the other things life throws at you. Now that I have one kid each in high school, middle school, and elementary; I'll be a "weekend warrior" for quite a few years.
Well...... I think that we are all mostly average hunters who have been bitten by the hunting bug.
I don't know at what dollar amount, miles hiked, animals collected etc that we can make the leap from average to above average.

We probably will never figure it out. Good question though.

Some who THINK they are great hunters might be VERY average when we compare them to someone else.

We are all at different levels of experience. That's what makes this site so much fun. I learn a little, argue a little, laugh alot and keep dreaming about my next adventure!

I've seen hunters who take very few animals who I would rate as top notch hunters. I've seen hunters who kill a ton of game who I would rate as average. But, live and let live. If a guy wants to puff about how good he is, who am I to disagree?

Keep up the good work!
Zeke (Mr. Average)
I'm not going to try to define average, but when I think of all the miles (and feet in elevation) I've hiked, money and time I've spent, not to mention the times I've frozen my REAR.......I hope I'm average, 'cause I'd hate to think the rest of you aren't working and spending just as much as I am......and "enjoying" it the same as I.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
I heard something funny the other day. I don't know the author.

"Just remember, half the people you meet are below average!"

It makes me wonder what half I'm in! LOL

Like I've said before, I think we have a tendency to over-rate ourselves when it comes to hunting (and everything else). Some people forget that there is ALWAYS someone better!

I've thought alot about this post since I first read it. If I had to make a blanket statement I would say an average hunter is one who probably hunts 15 days per year and;

1- hunts deer every year
2- hunts elk every other year
3- has made an out-of-state trip or two
4- makes application in a couple states for one of the glamour animals
5- drawn a good tag or two
6- hunts a few birds

There are always exceptions to the rule.

I know a guy who only hunts deer every year. He has fantastic skill and knowledge. He's WAY above average with his desire and dedication to the sport. Because he is selective the deer are USUALLY safe!

What would you all change or add to make this fit your definition of an average hunter????? Or is it even possible to define "average"?????

its interesting to see different perspectives.

i know so many people that love to hunt every year, but that is all they do is hunt when the season is here. ....and yes, some are great hunters. not positive, but i think most hunters dont apply out of state. i think most dont scout, dont get into the politics about management etc. those are the ones that i call the average.

i dont really consider skill when i think about it as much as i do the desire.

i know its all personal opinion, it is interesting to see opinions tho.

Blacks-Creek Pack Dealer
I think the average hunter really feels the need to fill out his tag.

I think a true hunter hopes to fill his tag, but it's the hunt that it is all about.

All the effort, all the sweat, chasing a few trophy animals. Succeed or fail it creates memories that we always carry and gets us through to the next season.
walleye 1121 et al
I love the opinions of others and your perspective is appreciated and understood. It really is about the chase but it's good to catch some of the time.

I have enjoyed more than a few good tags which I placed high value on and put a TON of pressure on myself to fill. Several sheep hunts come to mind.
Maybe that makes me well below average!!!!

What do you think?

BTW: the number 1121 which you use in your MM name is my Wild Sheep Grandslam Number. Interesting to me anyway.

Zeke, I know where you are coming from. I have killed plenty of small bucks at the end of the hunt because I just hate to go hope empty handed.

My hunting partners all still tease my about it.

When I finally draw my Henry Mt. archery tag I already understand the pressure that will come with it because I helped on my dad's hunt down there.

All hunters want to fill their tag. My point is that memories are still made without the kill and some of my finest memories and the most vivid images in my memory are of some of the big ones that somehow slid away.

As a side note Zeke. In my opinion the average hunter doesn't chase those sheep. And certainly not the slam!
I don't think you can label an "average hunter" everyone is in it for different reason. The best hunters in my mind are the ones that give it an honest effort every chance they get. Some get more chances than others for various reasons but they always give it all when the chance comes. Big tag or general tag it doesn't matter.

You can't say the guys that kill the biggest animals are the best because of so many different variables such as money, opportunity, family restraints, time, physical ability, mental ability.

We all work with what we have and I feel I am an average hunter for the reasons stated above.

I've enjoyed my fair share of tag soup! (which make me even more average and proud of it)

I love the sights, sounds, jokes, stumbles, missed shots, bad decisions, stuck trucks, mashed trailers and even the other hunters that I run into on a hunt. It all adds flavor to the experience. Heck, it's all romantic!

When it's all said and done I still like to harvest when I can.

I have a cow elk tag this year and a general season deer tag. That's it for tags and I'm happy and proud to have them. I will also be hunting with my wife, daughters, son and brother. How can anyone say we won't have a ball even though it will be a pretty average year. (I do get to help on a couple sheep hunts and a trophy elk hunt with some great friends here in Ut)

I really like all the opinions on this site. We're all different but united in the cause! Thanks walleye1121.

>I don't think you can label
>an "average hunter" everyone is
>in it for different reason.
>The best hunters in my
>mind are the ones that
>give it an honest effort
>every chance they get. Some
>get more chances than others
>for various reasons but they
>always give it all when
>the chance comes. Big tag
>or general tag it doesn't
>You can't say the guys that
>kill the biggest animals are
>the best because of so
>many different variables such as
>money, opportunity, family restraints, time,
>physical ability, mental ability.
>We all work with what we
>have and I feel I
>am an average hunter for
>the reasons stated above.

A big +1 to justr_86. True true true!

We always say "you can't tell the quality of the hunter by the size of the horns"
The memories are the best part. Remembering getting stuck, watching my brother roll down a hill in the binos, meeting new people, helping first timers with their first animal and just being there is equal or better than harvesting.

But hey I've never killed a huge buck or bull. That would be icing on the cake though.

I always hunt alone or with very select company. Sometimes that select company may have been a friend, I took out for the first time!....Or my son and daughter when they were old enough to toddle!...or my grand son and grand daughter, who will experience hunting while carrying a gun of their own, this year!

Am I an "average hunter"? I've killed my share of everything that I've hunted! Some big and some not so big, but all trophies in my circle!

If I'm average, then I'm one happy fella, and so will all my prodigies be!
The lion's share of hunters would no doubt be average. I think it wouldbe easier to define above average......

1)The willingness to go to nearly all lengths to get it done.

2)No fear of tag stew, even after hunting your a&% off.

3)Applying for as many animals as financially/time able.

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