Automated Phone Calls??


Long Time Member
I just got a telephone call and hoping it was for me concerning my business, i answered it.

Some clicking...then a nice female voice said " We're sorry to disturb you. This call was intended to be picked up by a automated answering device"

...And they hung up on me??? WTF! ;-) Is this common? Blew me away!!

sage: sometimes if you google the number that called you, you can find it on a website called I guess they leave most people going WTF?
>You actually answer your phone? I
>quit long ago myself.

That's because anyone who calls Ransom has obviously dialed the wrong number! :)

Joey, that's funny! I've never heard of that before.

lol, I did a WTF one time when i called a wrong number. The obviously older lady who answered wanted to chat. Once i realized i had the wrong # i politely apologized and hung up. Rechecking and redialing, i got the same nice chatty older lady who then passed her phone over to her son. He explained in his slow southern drawl that they got this other fella's calls all the time, they didn't mind one bit, otherwise, they wouldn't have anybody to talk too attall. WTF

If i'm lying i'm dieing! True story!! That other guy i was looking for musta missed out on a lot of work!

I like chatting with them ..better if telemarketer is female and sounds cute young ..Wait for some one to pick up after choosing the operator option..hello HELLO SIR.. HI HOW ARE YOU? fine sir thanks for for have choosing that your interested in saving your home and would like to lower payments and..................I said wow a real person! actually I am lonely and I was just sitting here naked watching my favorite porno eating Cheetos and wondering when you guys are going to stop calling me ....sir I apologize and will remove you from call list sir have a nice day!
Rack has a chronic case of orangepeckeritis....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
My My, has this thread turned for the worse! ;-)

When i started it, i had visions of guys complaining of continuous calls at dinner time or tales of the same person calling you with a wrong number day after day. Like to hear some of that stuff, anything odd that happened with or while on the phone.

Anybody get a ticket for talking on the phone while driving?

Ransom, i have yet to get a cell phone, i know i might get more work but can't stand the things. While leadman for large Plumbing Co, spent more time on the thing than got work done.

Mornings and evenings though, the home phone is just a necessary evil to do the business i do. If there were any other way, it'd be fine w/me.

Speaking of business, i did get a call last night. Might well be 2-3 day project. :) Good ol telephone!


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