auction tags are out of control



I dont know about u guys but these auction tags are out of control. im trying to buy an elk tag and even wasatch tags are goin for 10k! whats going on? someone needs to pull their head out of their arse and fix this situation. We need to take 80 percent of the resident tags out of the pool and put them on the auction block. this influx of tags would drive the price down and make it more realistic for people like me to get a tag. I figure us non residents support the herd anyways so why do we need to give most of the tags to the residents. this is a capitalistic society and just giving crap to the less endowed is a marxist idea anyways so why not just stick with the all american plan? So here's to more auction tags!
I think they should Auction 100% of the permits. They should be sold for what they are worth and not handed out like food stamps or stimulus. :)
By god its about time we heard some common sense around here, everyone knows socialism doesn't work.
stinky im all for it if you buy me a tag every year!
?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?
Actually I heard the UT tags distribution was in the new Health car bill. Along with free health care all illegal aliens get an elk or deer tag of there choice. Remember these are socialist times!
really? tags r gonna b in the health care plan? did i also hear right that harry reed is also gonna donate a few thousand more wolves that he swears r gonna b utah elk herder dogs n protect our wildlife from mountain lions and such? those dems r the bomb! GO PELOSI!

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