
Very Active Member
How intersting would it be to hunt an area that was closed completely to motorized vehicles. Imagine all you Monte Cristo hunters if they only left the main roads open but closed the rest down to ALL motorized vehicle traffic. What is your opinion? I don't mind ATV's unless they are breaking the law, etc. But over all what would you say to an area(1000 sq miles or so) completely closed to all motorized vehicles?'s called "wilderness"...and there is more than enough of it.

I think it wouldnt be to bad,Im also sick of some of the atv'ers breaking the law also.I think we need to do something about the problem.But i dont see this happening there is to many atv's.
It's great when your young and tough. But when you get older, it's kinda nice to be able to gain a little elevation with the help of the ATV. Don't get me wrong, cross country travel sucks. But instead of banning them, hire a couple of rangers, and write some tickets, with some big fines. A little more work in the field, and not so much paper pushing in the office.
Just my two cents.
as soon as they get rid of 4-wheeler us horse guys would be next on the chomping block.
1+ D13er

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
i turn 6 to 10 idots in wilderness or desinated roadless a year cant even get forest circus to show up . so tou cant stop stupid..
+1 Der13 take away some more of are freedoms they havn't taken enough yet uh ? that train of thought, why not ban rifles 'cuz some people shoot at paper plates on trees?

Everybody that owns an ATV does not abuse the law.

We don't need any more wilderness.......or the government retards that want to manage it.
> that train of thought, why
>not ban rifles 'cuz some
>people shoot at paper plates
>on trees?
> Everybody that owns an ATV
>does not abuse the law.
>We don't need any more wilderness.......or
>the government retards that want
>to manage it.

Nickman you are spot on...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
+3 D13 You guys that want to ban everything so that you hold an advantage are foolish. Restricting more people from access to public lands plays very well into the intentions of the anti hunting crowd and by giving in to what they really want eventually you will be locked out yourself! Enforcement ( as mentioned) on this will work wonders. Some people can't walk miles because of age or other limitations but why would you want to deny them access? Keeping all hunters hunting and others using our lands is the only way we will prevail in the end.
Boskee- you mean everything should be unrestricted and open to any means of access? if its too rough for ATVs should we allow helicopters? Do you know that the vast majority of Americans are nonhunters? not anti hunters but nonhunters. Should we hunters insist on treating public land as our sole domain, subject to any kind of motorized access human ingenuity can come up with? Do you think that would reflect a good light on hunters to the nonhunting public?
>Current count on threads that have
>discussed ATV use = 1,397
>and rising.

At least.....

Maybe Founder could create an automatic reply to "ATV Threads" and use D13er's response.

There sure are a lot of proud people that on here that don't own ATV's lol...
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-10 AT 10:05AM (MST)[p]Piper stop reading things into what I stated. I stated that we don't want to restrict access to all individuals from our public lands. The mere fact that you think they will flock to helicopters is a testament to how irrational your thought process is. How many folks can actually afford a helicopter piper? They don't seem to be an issue now do they. When you limit access you are starting the process to eliminating the use of our forests by all common man for any use. That's a process we don't want to start. It's written into the Forest service doctrine that the lands are to be utilized for recreational purpose.

Now go look at some of the proposed changes that our current US forest service is proposing. If some of these changes were to go into effect you wouldn't be able to camp more than the length of your vehicle off the road, camp size would be limited to no more than 4 people and camping would be only in designated places. You won't be able to hold an archery shoot or a Boy Scout campout because you're damaging the land from foot traffic. No Piper enforcement is how you deal with this not restricting access because when you restrict access and it suddenly becomes wilderness then you open the door for them to reintroduce species that can actually be detrimental to the wildlife we currently have and that will lead to them controlling more of our recreational activity's. I don't care if you hunt, bird watch, hike, or just use our lands to view wildlife every american should have access to our public lands.

Don't tell me that we can't enact enforcement and make it work it's an educational process and modifiing behavior is relatively easy to achieve thru enforcement. ATV's need to stay on established roads etc and a little common sense can go a long ways in this regard. By the way Piper most of the ATV riders in this country are nonhunters so enforcing them may actually help preserve their/our right to access our lands. It's not just about hunters and ATV's it's about all ATV users. I've owned and ridden motorcycles/ ATV my entire life and when you restrict access it will be to all motor vehicles and that will rule out more people from using our lands.
Just for the record, I don't want to ban or have banned any type of atv traffic in any area. the idea behind this post was more of a..."DUH" factor...

for example: wouldn't it be niece if they invented something that could keep you from getting sunburned? Answer: they do, its called sunscreen, you just have to apply it.

I was hoping someone would see here that these areas are restricted in many ways in respect to motorized vehicles. only the main roads and designated trails are supposed to be ridden. so, what i'm trying to say is: wouldn't it be nice if people road where they were supposed to and always aboyed the law? maybe this was a kind of eutopian post/desire...
but what about the people that dont hunt and want to ride? what about campers? do they get thrown under the bus too? private land to ride atv's on isn't going to be the easiest thiing to come by... kind of a stupid idea
About as stupid as this thread!! Good grief take a joke.

It won't work for non-wilderness areas. Idaho already has many places designated as non-motorized areas. The ATVs drive past the gates. If you call F&G, they tell you it's a Forest Service problem. The FS will tell you they don't have the resources to patrol or respond to calls.

The current laws need to be enforced and the penalties stiffer. My suggestion - $100 first offense and loss of hunting rights for one year if caught hunting. Second offense $500 and 5 years loss of hunting rights.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-10 AT 03:03PM (MST)[p]The funny part is that people still think they see a lot of animals on a wheeler.the animals have figured out what they are about and the atv makes more noise than most trucks. Learn to use the guys hunting off of them to your advantage, my 1st bull was killed a little ways above a atv trail. I was sitting there eating and he came rolling around and the bull stood up and started sneaking away from him. So I shot him and then recruited the guy to help me gut and drag the bull to his wheeler for him to take it to my truck! It was great! I have watched elk and deer bust out way ahead of the guys on atvs.

We were in the bookcliffs watching a herd of elk. We had been sitting in the truck on the road for atleast 45 minutes and 2 guys on wheelers came over the hill and the elk were gone.

I don't see the point in using them to hunt off of, I can see using them to go on rougher roads (where they are allowed) to walk from. I'm not so against off road retrieval of the animal, as long as they respect the other hunters and don't tear stuff up on the way in or out. But there is no way to enforce it so its outlawed. Don't spend money on new laws, enforce the ones we have.

send somebody down to D13ers Tulip patch on a Queer quad & have them rip the posies up and then lets see if the quad lasts any longer than the mexican mafia pitt bull did?

nice post/thanks for sharring
If your hearing, seeing, smelling quads then your hunting to close to the road. Sounds to me like your driving your truck in walking a few hundred yards from it and then blaming your lack of a kill on someone riding a quad.
High Country Tune-Up I think?
Quit abbreviating AYA!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-17-10 AT 01:56AM (MST)[p]I had a high country tune up once....course it was at 20,000' in a small bathroom....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-19-10 AT 10:45PM (MST)[p]My nephew works for the forest service and he claims they are kicking around weight regulations for all fed lands. Nothing lighter than a 3/4 ton or something like that.
> If your hearing, seeing, smelling
>quads then your hunting to
>close to the road. Sounds
>to me like your driving
>your truck in walking a
>few hundred yards from it
>and then blaming your lack
>of a kill on someone
>riding a quad.

Is three miles far enough back for you?
>AT 10:45?PM (MST)

>My nephew works for the forest
>service and he claims they
>are kicking around weight regulations
>for all fed lands. Nothing
>lighter than a 3/4 ton
>or something like that.

can you tell us anything else about this?
>as soon as they get rid
>of 4-wheeler us horse guys
>would be next on the
>chomping block.
>1+ D13er
>"I have found if you go
>the extra mile it's Never

Lookie here someone actually gets it!!! For all you "professional hunters" who "go deep into the back country" and see a bunch of quads, your not real deep. By the way, check out the sales of quads, the towns that allow them riding through town, the hundeds of miles in trails, the quad festivals, etc., your now going to ban all of them from your wilderness?? Ever wonder what would happen if they all decided to ban hunters from the mountain? Better chance of that than what you alpha males want.
>Yeah 3 miles, plenty far enough
>for me. I never go
>more than 2.

Try walking 3 miles before light to get to your spot just to hear a gate-jumping ATV breaking trail up the ridge your on just before shooting time.
I actually look forward to traveling from southern utah to northern utah for this years deer hunt. I can find areas up north that don't allow vehicles.

My hunt opening day last year was a dust bowl mess & a lot of guys going where they were not supposed to.

Disallowing ATV's goes against multiple use; however, I would like to see more roadless areas in central utah.
Passed history has showed me a few things about human nature. If I was hiking up a trail at daylight and a younger faster person was coming up behind me as soon as they saw me they would re-direct their direction.

On the other hand if a cowboy was behind me coming up the same trail on a horse. They would generally overtake me and continue in the same direction I was going. Part of a day in the mountains.

As I get older with bad knees amd less wind I appreciate the ATV trails we have in Utah today. I guess you could say that I should quit hunting. Obeying the law is the only way to go, but to you intolerant people may be to the point some day where an ATV would be appreciated.

To each his own!!!!
Do you all want the government to control everything we do? I think that we need to enforce the laws we already have. I don't have a problem with ATV's because I hunt the wilderness where you can't get an atv but we better not start outlawing atv's during the hunt, that's ridiculous.
Try walking 3 miles before light to get to your spot just to hear a gate-jumping ATV breaking trail up the ridge your on just before shooting time

Ive hiked in so many times I couldnt begin to remember how many. Usually two or three days before a season would start, all my equipment on my back bow season, gun season, elk, deer whatever. Always thought I would get the jump on everybody , but you know theres always some a-hole that manages to walk right past me on opening day never knowing I was there. I learned a long time ago to just go enjoy myself as much as possible and not to sweat the small stuff. If your so hung up on killing something every time you go out and being by your self every time you go out then by your own place , manage it for hunting and hunt it all by yourself. Public land is just that , its public land and with the public your gonna have people doing something you dont like.
anybody who thinks banning any outdoor activity is a good idea is just idiotic. come on how stupid do you have to be to not realize with the more stuff they get banned the more stuff they will push to banned in the future.and come on it is not that hard to walk into the tree's ang get away from the atv's put as much effort into hunting as you do complaining about what others do and you are on your way
>Try walking 3 miles before light
>to get to your spot
>just to hear a gate-jumping
>ATV breaking trail up the
>ridge your on just before
>shooting time
>Ive hiked in so many times
>I couldnt begin to remember
>how many. Usually two or
>three days before a season
>would start, all my equipment
>on my back bow season,
>gun season, elk, deer
>whatever. Always thought I would
>get the jump on everybody
>, but you know theres
>always some a-hole that manages
>to walk right past me
>on opening day never knowing
>I was there.
>I learned a long time
>ago to just go enjoy
>myself as much as possible
>and not to sweat the
>small stuff. If your so
>hung up on killing something
>every time you go out
>and being by your self
>every time you go out
>then by your own place
>, manage it for hunting
>and hunt it all by
>yourself. Public land is just
>that , its public land
>and with the public your
>gonna have people doing something
>you dont like.

I have no problem with someone out hiking me. I do have a problem with someone breaking the law. Do you?
Ok I'll leave my quad at home and never use it again if you leave your truck at home and never use it again
So what are you hunting?
IMO ATV's have little effect on deer. Today I see more deer in populated areas than remote. I think the more human activity the less predation. Until the hunt comes around then the ATV's advantages have a greater effect on the deer. But I still don't blame the ATV its the hunter on it that does the damage. I also don't believe ATV's have an adverse effect on Elk. If that were the case then the Uintah's would be crawling with game while places like Monroe would be void of critters. I have seen more game on a 20 minute ride on an ATV then backpacking for a week in the Uintah's. I have also spent a lot of time in Yellowstone's back country. And in my lifetime I have seen very little #s of deer compared to good ole road laden national forest.

Do they do any predator control in Yellowstone?

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