Attn: Strawberry Valley


Very Active Member
Hey guys, if you have lost a camera on the Wasatch this year or more specifically around the Strawberry Valley, I was told yesterday a firsthand account of who may be taking them.

While you are out and about, keep an eye on the pullouts and trailheads for an older model gold Subaru GL. My friend will be putting together more specifics to post, but essentially he was sitting over water and confronted 4 people, wearing t-shirts indicating membership to PETA and Sierra Club, after he watched them cut the cables and take 2 cameras and put them in a large backpack that he says had several other cameras already in it. He stepped out and confronted them, and one of the males was carrying a very large walking stick and was dumb enough to threaten my friend with it with a comment about 'there are 4 of us and one of you clear back in here, do you really want to go there'. He received the business end of a sidearm in return ( he is a CCW holder and not hunting at the time, before someone goes from my friend with his own observation that they were 4 and he was 1 but had a whole bunch of bullets. They fled, he followed them back to their car and obtained the plate and immediately contacted law enforcement.

It was a salvage plate from a junkyard. These people are taking the time to conceal their identities, which tells me that they ain't your normal anti-hunters. IT also tells me that they are probably not limiting their activities to this area. The fact that one person in their group was willing to challenge someone during hunting season knowing that the person they challenge may be armed tells me that they are serious about what they probably perceive as a mission to save the animals.

So be extra vigilant as you go about your hunts or your scouts, or even your hiking. We all use trailheads occasionally to access our areas. Take a minute and check the parking lot or pullout for this vehicle. Don't just write down the plate, write down the VIN number and immediately call law enforcement.

One of the quickest ways is to use the poaching hotline at 1-800-662-DEER, it's an easy one to remember in the field, they will get your info out to not only the local warden but can give you to the FS and Sheriff's Office.



Surprise, surprise, they were driving a Subaru, that's too funny. You may want to check in Park City since it seems like everyone that lives there drives a Subaru. I hope they find these pieces of crap so we can make an example out of them.

I hunt the Wasatch a lot so I will keep my eyes open for them.

Please don't be offended if you drive a Subaru or live in Park City, I was just messing with the stereotype.
I could be wrong but, on a lot of cars they have a bar code that you can see through the bottom of the windsheild. There will be numbers on the bottom that are the vin numbers.
Somebody posted on here a while back about someone breaking all the windows out of a couple trucks above Indianola while they were hunting. I wonder if it is the same Mangled ill-breeding Maggot-Pies.
Keep us posted Pred and keep up the good work! I feel a lot safer knowing you would just shoot them.

Your not broken this year yet? Ye Ha. I see they posted a pic of you in the campfire. You need to go vote!
Be Well

With a pencil/pen/or a bullet deerlove!

Oh,it's somebody drivin a Lezbaru huh?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Pretty balzy! They were camped in the doc flats campground a couple weeks ago. They gave me some crap at the mil b trailhead while I was getting my stuff together to go on a hike. It was obvious what my intentions were. I told them I don't give a $h!t what they think and have a good day. If I woulda known what they were up to I woulda had an officer sitting there waiting for them. Hindsight is always 20/20.... I will keep an eye out and let my other family members know since they are all over the mtn so we can get these guys caught!

Cell phone camera is excellent, take video if you can. This is what you can do with it:
???? 23-20-29.5.?? Interference with hunters or hunting activity -- Prosecution under criminal code.
???? A person who intentionally interferes with a person who is licensed and taking wildlife legally under the provision of Title 23, Chapter 19, or disrupts an activity involving a legal hunt, trapping, falconry, or predator control may be charged with a violation under Section 76-9-102 if that interference or disruption constitutes a violation.

Dunno but it seems that checking a camera is the same as checking a trap, is not an image a 'trap'? I might have to check that one with a prosecutor, but it seems logical?

It is a misdemeanor.

Rut-I am still laid up with a ruptured Achilles. Incredibly frustrating.

I have been there a lot this year. I would happily hog tie these SOB's and wait for the sherrif to show up. I will have my eyes open, thanks for the heads up.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Did your friend get the pack full of camaras? Also dont bother the fish cops with this, thier real busy. Just pummel these bottom feeders back into the soil. Gazelle S.S.S.
Any description of these people? I saw a Subaru up there this past weekend and they sure did'nt look like hunters.
I hope they run into a nice CCW hunter and they get to eat some dirt.Wish the guy had feared for his life and use some of the bullets to trim up a leg or arm or two.

4 on 1 Gang behavior is noted.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I've seen some Lezbaru's I thought about Tuning but this seals the Deal!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Wonder how many camera's they've stolen? It'd be nice if someone could get pictures of these guys and post them...

Workman Predator Calls Field Staff
some of you guys have to put a cam up high in the tree pointed down toward a trail with a empty box and get some pictures of these guys.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I have forwarded a link to this post to all the hunters in my address book, many of which are local law enforcement officials. It's time that the anti's realize what a large and powerful body of people hunters are.

This is one instance when we can all agree and must stick together as hunters and conservationists. We need to do our part and stop these eco-terrorists. They should not interfere with us or they must "enjoy" the consequences!

Tell everybody you know who hunts anywhere near here. Let's keep this near the top of the posts so more guys see it.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-13-10 AT 00:00AM (MST)[p]>Tell everybody you know who hunts
>anywhere near here. Let's keep
>this near the top of
>the posts so more guys
>see it.

Agreed, But maybe the title shoud be more descriptive. maybe Preadator could edit this. Everyone who hunts anywhere should see this.
Why don't you guys all get valve stem wrenches, and when you find the vehicle, take the valve stems out of a couple of their tires. Then, wait for them. If you got the wrong person, inflate his/her tires and let them drive off. If you got the right theives, then they won't be going very far.

Of course, if they're on a turnout, be careful you don't have an accident with one of your big pickups and push that poor little subaru over the embankment. That'd be a shame.
Strawberry is a big area... anyone got specifics on where they've been? Ill be up there alot in the next 7 weeks so ill be looking...
I agree, lets keep this post up at the top so more can see it. I live in Heber and will also be keeping my eyes out for that car passin through town as well as up on the mountain. I can't wait to hear when somebody that has read this post catches these guys again and can only hope to be so lucky that it's me doing the catching!

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