attn horse owners ehv virus

My cousin was just telling me about this today. Scary deal for the horse owner. He is skipping jackpots and rodeos just to be on the safe side. I told him someone needed to haul a trailer load of infected horses out to northern Nevada and turn them loose. Let mother nature tame the mustangs lol.
we all use glue....

Anybody know if your horse can catch this from a farriers equipment? I got 2 I need shod an I'm scared to have anybody even come around them.
Dirtysteve from every thing I have been reading I wasn't too concerend about the farrier aspect . I made a appointment with the farrier for next week .

I feel with the five way vacine and knowing how my shoer works I feel its a minor threat .
I don't think you have to worry about the farrier, BUT I sure wouldn't be out riding in any groups for awhile. It's a bad ass virus from what I have read.
I wonder what this will do to the high hay markets in the states that have the out break.Was thinking of getting hay next week over in Utah, Now I think I will stay closer to home and pay more.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I think with the 14 day incubation period with this virus the smart move would be to avoid any horses that have been traveling out of state for a few weeks. After that the vets should have somewhat of a handle on whether or not this virus is going to spread.
Jay Leno nailed the one liner last night by saying " it just goes to show even if you are in a "stable" relationship you can still get herpes"! Lmao. I stilljave not heard whether it is airborne or mucously transmitted. My cousin who is big in the horse gig was not taking chances. I would take this deal pretty serious before I called my horseshoer over, unless they were just shitters.

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