Attn. Golfbum


Long Time Member
Did you finally get that GSD pup home? Post up some pics.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-10 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]1911,

Sorry it has taken me so long! I have been busy! She is 13 weeks old tomorrow, and is so fun! She ended up being a normal coat not long coat! She is perfect!



Great looking pup there Golfbum!

You will have tons of fun with that. First bit will be a handful of work but you're gonna love the breed. Thanks for the update was looking forward to seeing it since you first said you were getting one. Love those satellite dish ears in that first photo. You did good.
Nice Dog!
Man do I miss the GS we had when I was younger.
That dog has both ears at peak already.
Such a sweet breed of dog. I've had a couple of them in the past.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
Thanks everyone! She is great! We named her Cambridge or Cambri for short. She is in puppy class know and we are working with a trainer once a week for private lessons! She is coming along great and we love her so much!
My daugher in law has a new puppy that looks a lot like that dog. Here's a couple photos for comparison. You sure she doesn't have a clone?

They might look a lot a like, but her's has had no training and is wilder than a March Hare!



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