Attn. Deep creek Rifle hunters!!!


Long Time Member
Just got back from spending a few days on the deeps getting ready for the muzz hunt.

There are two GOOD bulls that were shot during the rifle hunt, that we came across.
If you shot one and can not find it, pm me and we'll see if it matches up. Hopefully you did not just go out and shoot another bull!!!

AND yes they were shot with a rifle... I know some guys just want to blame it all on the stick flippers!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-10 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]BS B-Bop/Bess say it aint so!!

Any bull/buck lost with any weapon is a shame.


There are no big bucks in Utah! LOL
I think I mighta lost one,or was it two?
Is one of them a 6 point & about 385"+?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Both are 6's and yes im sure both of them are 385+ lbs on the hoof. :)

. tell me where,what,when,why,how?

one of the bulls was shot perfectly! I dont think they looked very hard or they would of found it. Heaven forbid you put your beer down and get out of the ranger.
The two guys I talked to that wounded bulls. The one we discussed the hunter shot another bull. The other guy was a taxadermist and wounded it down in the valley well below where you told me to go. PM me and I can give some details of what he told me. I know the general area where they bumped the wounded bull. Not sure if they gave up or killed another bull. I think the later. JB
Well one_wet_boot!

A friend of mine told me about a place I might sneak in to & possibly sneak a Big Bull out without being caught!
So Deep Creek I go!
GAWD what a hunt!
I thought I was gonna have to do alot of Hiking?
Upon arrival I started seeing quite a few Bulls!
The 1st Bull I shot at,well I got excited & YANKED the trigger really good,I thought I missed,no sense in looking for blood,the Bull kept going!

I was feeling kinda down but just for seconds knowing there were more Bulls to shoot at,it is an LE Unit Right?

Then as I'm roadhunting I spot another Bull,this one 385"+,I'm a little calmer because of the practice from the previous shooting,I go to range the Bull,but he's further than my 1200 Yard rangefinder will Range,so I add a couple 100 Yards & guesstimate him at 1400 yards +,I turn my Swarovski to 1100 Yards & hold another 3 feet over his back,I gently squeeze the trigger,wait 5 seconds & see dust kick up about 50 yards in front of the Bull,so then I hold 10 feet over the top his back and squeeze the trigger once again,a few seconds later I thought I seen him flinch but wasn't sure,then he walked off,I was almost sure I didn't hit him,there was no sense in walking that far just to look for blood,figured I'd be better off not wasting time & go look for another Bull closer to the road,LE Units have plenty of Bulls to offer,Right?
He should be in the rolling hills with sage & Junipers if he didn't go to far!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Bess, how can you call your self a self repecting road hunter??? All good road hunters know not to kill anything they can't drive their vehicle to! Either you are an imposter of road hunters or you are incredibly smart to take those long shots... We all know that if you "practice" the long ones it makes those road shots a for sure thing!
Traditonal only >>>------->
I know of a couple, sounds like JB148 has already talked to you. There were some shifty things happening out there this year. Im not too happy about it and would love to hammer a couple guys that imo were breaking the law.
Hornyman, what's the story? Get it out there. Maybe someone else witnessed the same thing. Post names and pics if you have them.
Traditonal only >>>------->

I only had 3 Le elk tags this year. My archery tag that was in my name. Then I had to dress up like my mother, put on a wig for the rifle hunt. And last but not least I was my grandmother for the muzz hunt. Them hunters were damn impressed granny could out hike them and leave them in the dust.:)
B-bop, great story! I think you should enter in the Hunt Adventure Challenge. It will keep everyone on there toes as to the outcome of your hunts.
Crap! I'm lost again... are we talking about Deep Creek just down from Mollys Nipple? Or the one near Pine Knoll one canyon over from Cotton Wood?

I really kinda need to know! I stuck a good one east of Cedar Ridge at the end of Sage Flat. The gut shot bastage probably headed straight for Deep Creek.

If anybody sees condors or turkey buzzards flying around Mirror Lake call me. I'm not going to waste a tag or anything but we can GPS the stinking thing & wheeler in next spring & saw the antlers off. Lion kills are legal aren't they?

I'm telling you wet_boot!
I don't Hi-Grade often,but just once I thought I'd act like a FeatherFlipper in paradise!:D

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

I dont know what was going on out there but it seems the bulls we did find dead, who ever shot them, did not look very hard. one died on the main trail and if you were hunting that canyon there is no way you could miss it, if you looked for it.
Most likely they shot another bull and just wrote these ones off. I was hoping someone was still looking or someone knew of a person that wounded one.
Maybe they were not as big on the ground as they were on the hoof so the hunters went looking for another one...

I havent put anything up because I hate to unless Im 100% correct and at the moment Im at 95%.

Couple of group hunters. ONe group saying their G ma dumped an elk for another person that had shot it in the ankle and the group at camp saying it wasnt a woman who dumped it. 2 Kids that shot a bull ( which I think is the one Dry boot found by the "main trail" ) not finding it then tagging out on another good bull. ANother group hunting effort by a father and daughter trio. Fish Cops almost busted them with photo proof but the photo wasnt quite enough.
Just got word about the talk on the Deepcreeks. Unfournitly I was one of the hunters that was unable to find a bull after the shot, not for sure but thought it might have been hit twice, but for sure once. the bull droped after the seconed shot two other shots were fired with no luck after he got up and headed for the ceders. after an hour we tracked him for around a mile before the blood stoped only a drop or so every 10 ft. we spent the next two days going back and forth threw the ceders he had to of gone north and back to the west. I sure would like to know if by chance either of these bulls could of been this bull.
really courious how far he went? dry boot i did e mail you but with no responce.let me know if you want to visit about it? Just intrested if it was and and what it looked like.

I sent a reply back the same day you wrote me. Give me a call and we'll chat. 801-668-0848

thanks, Briant

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