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slamdunk - Thread Brought Back from the Dead

The following emergency changes have been made to the 2019-2020 Cougar Harvest Objective Units and are now in effect:

Chalk Creek: AMEND the harvest objective to 30 and reopen the unit.
Ogden: AMEND the harvest objective to 24 and reopen the unit.
Beaver, West: AMEND Beaver, Mineral Mountains to consolidate with the Beaver, West unit. Reopen Beaver, West unit with harvest objective of 14.

Box Elder, Desert: AMEND the harvest objective to 18 and reopen the unit.

Cache: AMEND harvest objective to 38.

Nine Mile, North: AMEND harvest objective to 38.

Book Cliffs, East: AMEND harvest objective to 44.

Morgan-South Rich: AMEND split unit to allow for a total harvest of 23.

Beaver, East: AMEND split unit to allow for a total harvest of 23.

Monroe: AMEND split unit to allow for a total harvest of 23.

Plateau, Boulder: AMEND split unit to allow for a total harvest of 24.

Drought and heavy winter conditions in 2017 through 2019 resulted in significant declines in mule deer populations. On certain units, recovery of mule deer populations has been impeded by high cougar populations. The units with emergency permit changes have exhibited deer population declines of 15% or greater and have either already filled their harvest objective for cougar or are expected to based upon previous harvest success. Reductions in cougar populations on these units and at these levels will facilitate mule deer herd recovery while providing sustainable management of both predator and prey populations.

This change is effective immediately and will remain in effect throughout the 2019-2020 Cougar hunt seasons.

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