Attention Cowboy fans...............



Here it comes. I didn't expect it this soon though. T.O. finds a way to make things worse when they are losing. Can the boys snap out of this? I hope not.

It was a joke. Get it?

Get a good look
Jessica Simpson had a prime seat for Sunday's Eagles-Cowboys game. Check out these shots of her flirtations with the world of sport.

Terrell Owens, never one to keep his feelings inside, said he was only kidding when he called Jessica Simpson a distraction to Tony Romo and the Cowboys.

"I tried to get (Romo) to call her so I can explain to her that she doesn't really know me and that I can be funny," Owens said Wednesday night before the Mavericks-Suns, according to the Dallas Morning News. "And that everything I say, the media will take it and run with it. It's not a big deal. I will try to rectify the situation between her and I."

Owens, however, at least seemed to be singing an entirely different tune earlier Wednesday.

"Right now, Jessica Simpson is not a fan favorite ? in this locker room or in Texas Stadium," Owens told reporters. "With everything that has happened, obviously with the way Tony played and the comparison between her and Carrie Underwood, I think a lot of people feel she has taken his focus away. Other than that, she was high on my list until last week."

The Cowboys lost 10-6 to the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday and Romo had what was statistically the worst game of his career, all while Simpson sat in a luxury box wearing a pink No. 9 jersey she proudly showed off for television cameras.

Romo's previous worst game came last December at home to the Eagles when then-girlfriend Carrie Underwood was in attendance.

Owens, apparently speaking in "serious mode" Wednesday night, said he didn't think think Simpson's presence had anything to do with Romo's poor performance.

"I understand how everybody is looking at Jessica Simpson as a distraction and that's definitely not how I saw it," he said, according to the Dallas Morning News. "That's how the media saw it. If anybody wants to look at it as a negative, they can do that. But for me, she was there to support Tony.

"He had a bad game. I don't think she had anything to do with it. We lost as a team."
Romo has been *brilliant* in all but 2 games, and those two games he SUCKED. What did he have in common in those games? He had a girlfriend in the stands. First game Carrie Underwood, second game its Jessica... IMO T.O. is right on the money, they are distracting.

Enough said
Sorry Gila, Jessica does nothing for me, in fact I think she may have undergone a sex change operation.
>Sorry Gila, Jessica does nothing for
>me, in fact I think
>she may have undergone a
>sex change operation.

Ditto... I dont understand the facination some people have with her. I dont find her very attractive at all.

So do you think Romo would play better if he were dating some fat ugly chick with BO?

Certified Cowboy hater
Her she/he is,
those who think she is hot, might want to check your heterosexual credentials.

Monday night football, October 2007. Romo throws a gazillion interceptions. Cowboys, miraculously, win with a long field goal at the end of the game. Wouldn't this qualify as a game where Romo sucked? Oops, Cowboys won so that didn't count.

I'm not accepting the argument that Romo was distracted. And it wasn't just Romo who made mistakes in the past game.
enough already.....I can't take it anymore!!


I mean..

I mean..

two of these QB are going to be in the Super Bowl and its not ROMO!
>enough already.....I can't take it anymore!!

>I mean..

>I mean..

>two of these QB are going
>to be in the Super
>Bowl and its not ROMO!

So long as Farve plays like 2007 Farve and not 1998-2006 Favre. 1998-2006 Favre won't be making it to the Superbowl to lose to the AFC.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
?Sorry Gila, Jessica does nothing for me, in fact I think she may have undergone a sex change operation.?

?Ditto... I dont understand the facination some people have with her. I dont find her very attractive at all.?

?LOl you 2 must be gay?

I have a problem with her also. She looks exactly like my brother if he dressed in drag. It just doesn't do it for me either.

If she does have something to do with the cowboy?s loss then I hope she keeps it up Ha Ha!
Sorry dude, but Jessica has been at more games than the one against Philly. This was her third game. 2-1. I wish she would go away, but the correlation isnt exact science.

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