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Respectful Hunter (Guest)

I made this post yesterday,but someone apparently couldn't handle it,and posted something stupid and it got nuked.
What do you think of this? I think this is where the future of "Trophy Hunting" is going!
The author Tom Steinstra is thought by many novices to be an authority on the outdoors by many in the SanFrancisco bay area.
Drop him an e-mail with your thoughts!
Thanks Hun!! That is Interesting and I dont know what to think, I have never had a desire to do "BIG GAME HUNTING". I don't want to hunt for sport Just for food really. Still I think alot of ppl will object to that, There won't be any trophies and that is part of the thrill am I Right??

A Hunting we will go!
Hey, what a suprise, this coming out of the you-know-what of some loser liberal writing for the San Francisco Chronicle, huh?
Hopefully he got hitched this past month and is too busy or sore to write any more of this kind of TOTAL GARBAGE.

I wrote back to the author (from the link in the article). I more or less told him how sad it is that people need to be cruel to animals in ways like this with no other reason than to fullfill their egos. Real sad to put pain into anything without a dang good reason, and an decrepit ego isn't a reason, it's just a personality deficiency they need help with. Darting a critter is only a bandaid to their real personal problems, and it sure ain't fair to the critters.

I also have always been a "meat" hunter, and always will be. I will never put harm to any fish or critter that I will not put to good use. These precious resources are just that, precious and fragile. God did not give them to us to stick darts into or catch and release, that I'm sure of.
hunting and killing aniamls is also necessary to keep the heard alive, If we dont ever kill any animals the deer, Elk ETC.. will eat them selves out of food and eventually die off. So hunting has a couple of reasons behind it.
This is the letter I sent to TOm and the editor of the paper.

> I'm pretty appalled at a recent article you published!
> Do editors even look up any basic facts anymore? The
> author (Tom Stienstra) of this article had an opinion
> and I respect that, but is basing his facts on
> conjecture and speculation good for the readers, arn't
> you a little to far from Disney land to be dreaming up
> stuff like this? This article sums up this
> newspaper... incompetent!

> You should do a little research before you send your
> rant off to press... Do newspaper hacks even do
> reserch anymore, or do they just use thier divine
> intelligence to whip out articles? Apparently you're
> lacking in that catagory...
> Dart hunting as you call it, is called "Green Hunting"
> and its been around for quite some time in Africa and
> some limited areas in the rest of the world. Many
> upon many of the "Big five" have been taken on Green
> hunts. Green hunts are growing in popularity but not
> much. They cost basically the same and the danger is
> still there if not more. Tranquilized animals are
> still VERY dangerous.
> This is quoted from you article" Catch-and-release
> hunting solves many
> problems:"
> -- It solves the problem of killing an animal that you
> do not eat, which violates a basic ethic of most
> people regarding trophy hunting.
> Where do you get your information? Just because some
> hunter doesn't eat what he kills doesn't mean it goes
> to waste! Many animals are donated to the needy, why
> don't you tell them there's no more food to feed their
> children! What about a rancher who sends 200 head of
> cattle to slaughter every fall so you can eat your
> McBurgers? He didn't eat any of those by he
> essentially put them to death! Or the chicken farmer
> that sends 20,000 chickens to the packing plant, he
> killed them but didn't eat them either.
> All animals deserve respect, and in my opinion
> trophies have the utmost respect! How many cow head
> shoulder mounts do you see in living rooms or full
> bodied free ranging chickens in some ones den?
> -- It gets past the highly buffered experience of
> seeing the animals at
> long range, particularly from a vehicle, and then
> capturing them with a
> high- powered rifle with a scope or camera with a
> 1000-mm lens.
> Again, what are you talking about? The average range a
> whitetail deer is shot and killed at is 75 yards. Most
> African game is taken at this range as well and
> closer. You could almost hit it with a rock. The
> average shot taken with a bow and arrow on a deer is
> 18 yards. Do you think they need to get closer?
> -- Because there would be no trophy kill fee, it
> solves the financial realities of hunting big game in
> Africa. Fees now charged include $75,000 to $100,000
> for an elephant and $50,000 to $75,000 for a lion.
> Umm why don't you do a little research on this one as
> well, especially the trophy fees you quote! Green
> hunt still require a trophy fee! You obviously don't
> know where these trophy fees go to do you? I'll let
> you do some sleuthing on that one. Maybe give you
> some practice!
> Bull elephant hunts can be had for around
> $10,000-12,000. No where near your examples... For
> huge trophy bulls you could double that number...
> Depredation Cow elephant hunts can go for as little as
> $2,500. Loins average around $8,000 for a lioness and
> about $12,000 for male. No where near your "Animal
> Planet" numbers. Again do a little research.
> Do you know how what those trophy fees do for the
> countries economy (see sluething above)?
> You mentioned Kenya, they have such a bad poaching
> problem because they have no hunting, which means no
> $$$$ for game officers. Just a dozen elephant trophy
> fees could double their gross domestic product!
> Hunting is more than just killing at least you got
> that right! But animal populations need to be
> controlled some way or another. Do you know how many
> elephants there are in Africa?
> I would be surprised given the amount of
> misinformation that you spewed forth in your article,
> it appears to me you got your info from the Discovery
> Channel or more likely the Disney Channel. Estimates
> place the population close to 700,000 wild elephants
> in Africa or roughly the same number of elk in the US.
> Do we need to have dart hunts for elk? Hardly! Do
> you know how much food those elephants need to survive
> for a year? Take the number of elk and what they eat
> and multiply by 15... Do you know how many animals
> are impacted by over grazing of elephants?
> Man has effectively taken the large predators out of
> the ecosystem, consequently "prey" populations are for
> the most part under our control though the use of
> hunting. We really can't bring the large carnivores
> back unless we kick millions of people out of their
> homes so that the wolves, mountain loins, and grizzlys
> can have their habitat back, we don't want any
> eco-hikers killed either.
> Even non hunters aren't going to give up their 1/4
> acre in suburbia! What would happen if you told all
> the people of California to pack their
> stuff and get out because the mt. lions want their
> habitat back, or better yet what about the Southern
> Coastal Grizzly bears that have been extinct in
> California for more than 100 years?
> What would happen if we went to a "catch and release"
> system for deer hunting in the east? All most every
> state east of the Mississippi is WAY over
> populated with deer. There are more deer right now
> than there has ever been EVER! Some areas have over
> 200 deer per square mile, where the average should be
> about 20. Hunters take millions of deer every and
> they still can't control the populations. Deer put a
> strain on the ecosystem and all animals suffer. Other
> animals in the ecosystem are becoming extinct or close
> to it due to the over populations of deer. Plants in
> some areas have become extinct due to over grazing.
> Hunters are doing all they can but anti's are making
> it increasingly more difficult for the hunters to try
> to control the populations.
> How would you propose that we take care of the deer?
> Dart them and sterilize them? Look at how many deer
> are killed each hunting season, and look at how the
> population is still expanding! There is NO POSSIBLE
> WAY that "dart hunters" are going to dart as many deer
> and sterilize them as hunters are going to kill, ever.
> If we go to dart hunting you will easily loose half
> the hunting population if not more, and the ones that
> decide to start won't hold a candle to the hunting
> populations out there now. That would mean that the
> harvest will effectively be about 25% of what it would
> normally if we're luckey... Because only 10% of the
> hunters take 90% of the deer... Darting them still
> wouldn't take their mouth out of the feed bucket. The
> only way is to KILL them and eat them as nature
> intened!
> What's wrong with some one enjoying themselves in the
> woods and occasionally bringing home a deer to eat on
> for the winter? Does it go against your morals? I'm
> sure there are may things that you do that go agains
> my morals but I don't care and let you live your life
> as you see fit!
> Do you have any idea how much it would cost to dart,
> measure and record all this information? Millions!
> Hell the game commissions don't have enough money
> operate as it is. I guess we could raise taxes to pay
> for it, but why not let hunters pay for it, something
> they enjoy anyway?
> People in this country and the rest of the world for
> that matter need to wake the hell up and take close
> look at themselves and what they eat. They have no
> problem going to the grocery store to pick up a
> package of steaks, hamburger or chicken breasts, but
> are repulsed by some one shooting "bambi".
> At least "bambi" got to live its life as it saw fit
> and
> not in a pen somewhere being fed artificial
> "sweeteners"! Would they think differently if they
> could buy "bambi" at the grocery store?
> Your "Curt Gowdy" remark is laughable. That little
> thing called research would have helped you with this
> one... you could have looked in your TV Guide. There
> are four (4) chanels, thats right 4, on cable TV right
> now dedicated to hunting and fishing. Also ESPN airs
> hunting and fishing shows every Saturday, and Sunday
> morning and also every day of the week, at some time
> or another!
> Hunting is as much a way of life for man as it is for
> a Lion or wolf in my opinion. Sure we could go to the
> store and buy our meat but deep down inside me and all
> the other hunters on this planet, we have the
> primal instinct to go out and bring our own meat home
> from the woods the same way our ancestors did 200,000
> years ago, its called instinct!
> Telling a hunter he has to dart his animal is like
> telling a wolf he can no longer kill his dinner but
> has to eat processed dog food like Fido made
> out of processed animals and corn. At least the wolf
> doesn't have to kill any more...
> Thanks for all the thoughtful insight, spreading lies
> like this are helping to put an end to hunting and our
> ancestoral herritage in this country. You should
> stick to things you know so much about like all
> the economics and new industries that this will
> create... What about the billions that will be lost
> and the programs they fund? Why don't you do us all a
> favor and learn some facts? Its pretty sad when
> someone tries to argue about something they know
> abosulutely nothing about it!
> Ivan Clark

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