Attended the Big Outdoor Show


Long Time Member
Thanks to Brian for the opportunity to win a couple tickets. The wife and I used the chance to come down and see the kids and grandkids, while seeing a new part of the SLC Valley. The college was really impressive. That said, I was kinda disappointed in the show. I expected much bigger but overall it was fun. Really like the reptile exhibits and the wife was thoroughly impressed with the Jumping Jack trailers and all the ATV/UTV stuff. I hoped to see a little more hunting and firearms, but once you've been spoiled by WHCE and ISE, all other shows pale by comparison. All in all, we enjoyed ourselves and the people we met were very nice.
I had a booth there a couple years ago and it was a big disappointment. There were just no crowds. Too be fair, I think the weather was mostly to blame. It was the first nice, warm blue sky weekend after a long cold winter. Nobody was going to stay indoors after all that cabin fever. The show needs to move up a few weeks earlier to have any kind of success.

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