ATTACKED by cougars!!!


Long Time Member
Well almost. Here is my story.
The other evening I did something I usually don't do, I went to an unfamiliar place as the sun was on its way down. I didn't tell my wife or friends where I was going, I didn't leave a map and wasn?t toting any kind of protection to give me a sense of security. An hour later I'm at a place I don't know but I'm having a good time and enjoying myself, not having anyone slow me down or holding me back. I'm not thinking about the dangers that were lurking out there when suddenly I get this gut feeling something is watching me. A chill ran up my spine as I slowly turned around and looked in to the shadows. Not 12 feet away were four cougars lined up in a row giving me the eye like I was going to be dessert. The one on the left looked the most aggressive and worn and based on her body posture I feared at any time she'd launch an attack. The other 3 just stood there looking very much interested in me as well but didn't seem to have the desperation as the first one and I felt no threat from them. I backed up slowly, starting to ease my way out of the area I was in at the same time telling them in a calming voice I wasn?t what they wanted, but knew if I was I may not be able to fend off the attack and was at there mercy. As I started to retreat I figured if I am going down I may as well get a few pictures to document the encounter, and heck what would a Feleno post be without pictures? So I slowly took my camera out of my side pocket being very careful not to make any sudden movements. I took a few shots which surprisingly did not seem to startle them. I was relieved! I continued my retreat out of the area, continually looking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn?t being followed. During the drive home I couldn't help but think how lucky I was. I have read stories before about guys getting in trouble in these kinds of situations and was thankful I kept a cool head and was able to get out of there without any kind of harm. When I got home I hugged my wife like I hadn't in years, just happy to be home safely. I held back tears welling up in my eyes because I didn't want her to know the traumatic experience that I had been through, knowing things could have ended much differently. Anyway here is the best picture I got of the cougars. Sorry about the bad lighting and clairty but given the circumstances I'm sure you can understand.

I want the one on the left! oh wait thats a red head so its racks meat!

Hmmmm i'll settle for the poor immitation of britney spears there in the middle!


Wildlife population control specialist
Feleno, you are a very lucky man. I have been in similar situations and didn't fair so well. I don't like to talk about it much but once I was partially eaten alive. That cougar on the left looks like she may have had something like that in store for you as well. The other three do look a bit more docile.

If this should ever happen to you again I have found in those situations it is best if you make yourself look as big as possible. And look as wealthy as you can too. Or is it healthy? Dang it. Maybe that's where I went wrong.







THERE'S ONLY ONE bobcat!!!
LMAO Bessy!!

If all i get is the one on the left, i'm quittin lion hunting altogether.
That's definately not a "Booner"!!!

At my age, I found out the best thing to do is lay down and play dead. Eventually they lose interest and move off in search of more lively prey!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
Two gallons of Mazzola on the kitchen floor ?.. we all get naked & let's party ladies!

now and days my biggest turn on is while get the stars and stripes hummer I clean my ear with a Q-tip!!
All though that redhead looking mighty tossable bout now!
Since when did cougars start growing such nice racks, I thought that only Dear's grew them.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-08 AT 11:43AM (MST)[p]Theres nothing wrong with a little cougar hunting. :D:D:D:D:D

Or should I say theres nothing wrong with being hunted by some cougars:D:D:D:D

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
dleonard3, apperently you dont know the other definition of cougar...

A cougar, is an older single woman who goes out to bars, and night clubs hunting for younger men to take home at the end of the night. If you catch my drift.

Has nothing to do with you or your sons. Its just a joke.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
JakeH, I get the joke. I was just wondering if they were making fun of me and my sons because of their little run-in with a cougar (mount'n lion). I've always wanted to be one of the "MM" gang.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-08 AT 11:28AM (MST)[p]dleon
i wasn't making fun of you and your family. didn't know what happened to you guys till i just looked up your story. Pretty cool, glad things turned out OK. If you spend enough time at the campfire forum you'll know I NEVER make fun of anyone :). Just check back Monday morning and see what going to happen ;)
Just to clear things up I'm not your drift. I could be held hostage by cougars for a weekend but not much longer than that.

Your ears are big and you run slow for such a big guy.


Does that make you feel better?
Thanks SureShot.

My ears are not not big, and I run slow because I don't want to be called a racist.

"I'm too slow to be a racist. I would never win a race".

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