ATL Buried Antler &Set


Active Member
Spotted on hillside in center of picture.


Crapy photo, but four inches was all I got from the spotting scope....

Luckily, I found its matching set so I knew I might get lucky and pull a shed out of the bush or dirt... All I knew is that I had to check out the base sticking up about 4 inches out of the ground. It might just be a shed.

Sure enough... it was a shed. All I could see up close was the base and a small point sticking up at the bottom.

A slight tug and about a shovel full of dirt rose from the ground stuck to the shed. I sort of shook it off and snapped this photo. I got all the video footage on a GoPro camera. I will post when I figure it out.

here is the other side that is the matching set. about 35 yards apart.

50 yards away was this small dead head too.


Covered alot of ground to find these guys. There is a ton of country out there. I did a good "walk about" yesterday!
up down up down up down... in country you see in photos. Thank goodness for shed adrenaline!

Nice! Impressive spotting. The only thing I found today was a digital camera and a flashlight. The funny thing is. . . they both work! Even after sitting through the winter.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."

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