
Long Time Member
They are taking over alltel here in the basin. I'm wondering how they are to deal with? Alltel was pretty good with alot better coverage than Strata. Just wondering what I'm in for for cell service?

I'm not impressed with Alltel at all!

Funny how the Government/Phone Companies Lied(YES LIED!) and told everybody how much better these POS Digital phones are!

Give me my old Analog Phone back & you can keep them POS Digital Junk Heaps!

On some days a Smoke Signal would work better than a Digital phone!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
AT&T sucks ass for coverage. My business number forwards to my cell phone and it drops a shytload of calls so good luck with that crappy service.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Why everyone isn't on the Verizon train is beyond me...I haven't had a dropped call or complaint in over 5 years!!

B BOP this coming from someone who is still on dial up. Are you really on dial up?
>Why everyone isn't on the Verizon
>train is beyond me...I haven't
>had a dropped call or
>complaint in over 5 years!!

Had verizon for a while, works great in town. Sucks out here in the boondocks!

I was happy with Alltel, if they don't go downhill I will be happy. I guess all I can do is hope!

I have been with them for like 15 years.

I have no problems with them.

Like any other phone service when you are out remote---not much coverage.

I had Union Tel out of Wyo for a few years...

They are taking over here in southwestern Utah. I am excited about having some better phone options. The coverage should be atleast as good they will be using the same towers, and may coverage on some others.
Any cell company is only as good as its coverage, and its coverage is dependant on where your at, and where their cell coverage is concentrated. People have to use different cell companies for the area they are in the most frequent. Analog certainly got out way better in remote areas, but people wanted options like texting, pic. text, etc... and digital was introduced. I liked my old analog phone for calling out in a remote area, but I kinda like all the options a guy can do with his phone now. I just use a booster, and I can get out where my analog used to.

Im in Arizona and Verizon is hard to beat here. I can get coverage just about anywhere including most wilderness areas. If I cant call because it breaks up I can text and get out and receive that way. I have been able to talk to my wife by text while in my tree stands. I just keep the phone on Vibrate. I gave her literally step by step information about a Doe that was coming in and got a picture of her and sent it to my wife. That was kind of cool!


Heres the deer from my cell phone.

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