

Long Time Member
So anyone know how many Ars have been sold in the US since the ban was lifted? I can't find it anyplace. In my recent debates I am looking for numbers...

Best I can tell the major manufacturers made over 433,000 Ar in 2010... That does not include custom shops etc. Just companies like S&W, RRA, DPMS, etc. it also does not include ones made by piecing them together as well...

Even at 433,000+ in 2010 the odds of any one weapon being used in a mass shooting are way lower than what anyone could imagine... Like .00006%

What do you think? Any idea where to find this info?
"Even at 433,000+ in 2010 the odds of any one weapon being used in a mass shooting are way lower than what anyone could imagine... Like .00006%"

These are the kind of stats that Congress needs to be bombarded with and I'm sure the NRA has plenty of facts like you mentioned.
120,000 to 130,000 guns were sold last Saturday the 2nd largest day of sales in U.S. history. Not sure how many were AR's or what was the day they sold the most.
ARs are pretty much non-existent in Albuquerque now. I lucked in to a DPMS Panther A-15 flat top with a red dot for $750 this afternoon. Probably broke 20 traffic laws getting to the store after I called them haha. Unfortunately, they couldn't even get through on the phone for the background check, so I'll have to go back for it when they call.
This will be the biggest economical boost for the firearms, ammo and NRA memberships industry in history.

Looks like I missed the boat. I've been trying to locate an AR to purchase, and I can't find them anywhere. All sporting goods stores around me are sold out, and doesn't do guns anymore, so I don't even really know how to look. I can't even locate a lower receiver to build my own. If anyone has any leads, please PM me.
I have my FFL with accounts at most of the big wholesale houses and I can't get one to save my life. I picked up 2 colt LE models a few months ago to hold onto and that investment is looking better and better. I have watched the stock of pmags and any type of AR go to zero virtually overnight. I basically check 5-10 times a day to see if anyone has received any new shipments. If you want something in particular, pm me and I will keep my eyes out. The other place you can look is lots of private sellers, but even on there I have seen the quantity greatly reduced and the prices come up.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-12 AT 11:08PM (MST)[p]I could use some mini 14 mags, i prefer ruger 20 round..The few places i found that have them are price gouging like crazy..

I stocked up on AR,AK and glock mags already..ordered two more lowers as well.

I hate having to do this right now, got 3 bolt guns that need finished..Now i gotta spend that money to stock up on crap i dont really even use that often.
I believe only certain models were banned and AR's were not one of them. I purchased mine during the ban. It came with a small capacity magazine, I believe ten round.
With regards to AR's, the Klinton ban was pretty much cosmetic. No flash hiders, no more manufacturing of larger magazines, and no collapsable stocks. All which meanth nothing.
The new ban will be non sunsetting, that's almost a given..


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Think about it.
Obama raised the prices on ammo.
Then he comes out and publicly states they are gonna work on something to govern weapons therefor increasing the number of arms / ammo sales 10fold. If he cant tax it outa ya he'll make ya spend it somehow.


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