Arrow noise



I'm planning on purchasing new Gold Tip arrows in either black or camo. I'm also going to be using a whisker biscuit, has anyone noticed if the camo Gold tips are louder than the black when using a whiker biscuit?

I shoot the GT Hunter XT in 7595 out of a NAP 2000 dropaway rest. (no whisker bisquit) But have never heard anything unusual out of them while practicing. I shoot 2 white plastic 4" vanes and one orange feather. ElkNut1
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-04 AT 11:08AM (MST)[p]Why the one feather?

PS bad link too?

Yes I know the link doesn't work, somehow MM has enabled it so I don't put up a stink and pursue it. I've tried several times to get info on becoming a sponsor but no one has emailed me yet, I finally gave up after 3 tries! You can still type in the address like normal and it''l work fine!

I use the feather as the **** vane, this way I know if my fletching even remotely tries to touch on my dropaway it will not deter its flight. It works great, flies very true, and nobody I know does this so it's unique as well!! Thanks--ElkNut1
Well that is the first I've heard of someone building an arrow like that. Interesting to say the least. It wood seem the weight difference between the feather and vane would affect arrow flight (off-set), not to mention the distinct difference in flight charactics between vanes and feathers. But hey, whatever works for you.

BOHNTR )))---------->

BOHNTR---Good point! I too was wondering about flight as well when I came up with the idea 5 years ago. But after messing around with it on several different carbons it seemed everything flew perfectly. I have no trouble tuning my arrows at all and have had 4 different BH in the mix with no troubles whatsoever, my current one is the Magnus Stinger in 4-blade 125grn.---- If you think about it, one of the biggest reasons guys have problems in tuning their equipment is in the arrow clearance area. Feathers are much more forgiving if any contact is being made. I use plastic on the other two so I don't have to worry about all my fletchings at rainy times, I just wipe moisture off of the one if needed.

I don't use all feather because of the possibility of rainy weather, plus it's different!! <grin> ElkNut1

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