Armpit of Utah?


Long Time Member
Is there a town/city or area thats considered a dump or dirty or not a good place to live? Most places I've been have fairly clean and nice.
"Dear never_catch bastard!!

I'll have you know that Odgen is Utah's leader in abandoned buildings, shattered glass, boarded up windows, wild dogs, and gas stations without pumps.?

I would hate to live in magna, or rose park area

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Vernal don't look too "nice and clean" right now, especially if your kid is on the High School football team!

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-10 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]Here is the legal description:

Armpit Unit: Beginning at the intersection of I-80 and the eastern edge of Nevada state line, then southerly along Nevada state line to the intersection of the Arizona state line. Easterly along Arizona state line to the Colorado/New Mexico corner. Proceeding north along the western boundry of Colorado to the Wyoming border. West along the Wyoming border to the south west corner of Wyoming, then north along the western boundry of Wyoming to the southeast corner of Idaho. West along the southern border of Idaho to the northeast corner of Nevada. South along the border of Nevada to the point of beginning.



it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

I'm not sure what you are saying :)
>AT 09:08?AM (MST)

>Here is the legal description:
>Armpit Unit: Beginning at the intersection
>of I-80 and the eastern
>edge of Nevada state line,
>then southerly along Nevada state
>line to the intersection of
>the Arizona state line. Easterly
>along Arizona state line to
>the Colorado/New Mexico corner. Proceeding
>north along the western boundry
>of Colorado to the Wyoming
>border. West along the Wyoming
>border to the south west
>corner of Wyoming, then north
>along the western boundry of
>Wyoming to the southeast corner
>of Idaho. West along the
>southern border of Idaho to
>the northeast corner of Nevada.
>South along the border of
>Nevada to the point of
>it's not a 40 incher but
>it's closer than the last
>40 incher you posted....

I'd rather live in the Armpit of Utah than the armpit of the USA, errr the world ie, Kalifornia.....

West valley and parts of Ogden are the worst, but i would live there before I live in Day break. A whole community of stuck up, politically correct tree huggers.
Tony said, "I'd rather live in the Armpit of Utah than the armpit of the USA, errr the world ie, Kalifornia....."

I thought Eel's joke was way better!! :)

I hear about West Valley and West Jordon in the news more and more. Lots of crime and gangs. Seems like when the gangs start up in a town the quality of life goes down real fast.

For long distance dial 1-800-338-EDGE
Eel was 100% serious also. I happen to agree. Like Eel I love living in Northern CA. and Utah is that place we drive though as fast as possible while going to Wyoming.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-10 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]Duchesne - then Price, then Magna and Tooele.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
>Vernal don't look too "nice and
>clean" right now, especially if
>your kid is on the
>High School football team!

Don't know what happened with the High School Football team but the Jr. High Wrestling team sure had a problem. Yeah - there are some idiots and scumbags who live there and some of them have kids.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Boot, Like RELH and Eelgrass, either in Evanston or Wendover, i make sure that both tanks are full, the bladder is empty, there's soda and a sandwich on the seat, and i just Drive!! :)

>Boot, Like RELH and Eelgrass, either
>in Evanston or Wendover, i
>make sure that both tanks
>are full, the bladder is
>empty, there's soda and a
>sandwich on the seat, and
>i just Drive!! :)

Ah what a wuss lol!!

Utah's got more armpits then an octopus, but Duchesne is definitely the butt crack.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-10 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]The only difference between me, RELH, and Joey, while traveling across Utard, is that I throw out "trucker bombs" on my way to Wyoming.:)


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

I never really thought of Utah as a is just a place in the way of everywhere you really WANT to go!

"'ll shoot your eye out kid!"
I think there are several ties. I could show you pretty dark and bright sides in pretty much any city or state for that matter.

P.S. Parts of Kali would not be a bad place to live if you didn't have to check your rights at the border.

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