Arizona strip



Anyone out there on MM ever hunted the strip for antelope? I saw the numbers in this years regs and became interested.
World Record taken there in 2002 - 13B - a transplanted buck. Next biggest buck was 86 - 13A. There was an 87 and change taken in 13B in either 2004 or 2005 by Helms. Antelope were scattered about with no real big populations in any one area. Last time I was there I didn't see much.

LAST EDITED ON May-22-06 AT 02:50PM (MST)[p]Actually, the world record was tied from their in 2002. The first was shot in 2000 in unit X. The one shot in 2002 was transplanted from 19A.
LAST EDITED ON May-22-06 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Where X = 9.

Leaving before the sun comes up tomorrow.
lol... 5000.. I think it might even be more than that. Antelope and Elk in AZ are great, you can find a big buck or bull just about anywhere in the state.
Well somebody has to draw those 50 tags they're offering up. I'm back up to 9 points, and feel lucky. Drew with 9 last time.
9 "Last Time",was probally MAX B.P.??? With the 20% "ZINGER" factor in place,in 2006,You will need more than Luck to draw an AZ "Lopes' tag,especially a N.R. !!!
Then IAhunter,"Good Luck"--- unit 10 "Lopes" have to be the wildest,scariest,runningest Herd in the state ---
LAST EDITED ON May-30-06 AT 10:07PM (MST)[p]

2001 - 13A - over 90 green
great pic Eli... One thing I am wondering about this year. If there were 5700 applications for unit 10 last year and there was no internet applications. Just think how many people are putting in this year??????????

I have 13 points this year as a resident, hopefully it doesn't take 13 more to draw a speed goat tag. What is the current max points for antelope? Unit 10 does have some biggins, but the draw odds are around .5%..It was tempting to put in for 13A/B because of the increase in tag numbers this year, but I decided not to because those units are harder to scout. I did put unit X as my second choice and unit 13A as third, but third won't matter anyway. After a rifle tag it will probably be archery or muzzleloader for better odds. Cool pic Eli, that's what I'll be looking for when I draw.
Why is this max bonus point thing getting so blown out of proportion? This is becoming rediculous. This is not the first year they've had it. So they raised it from 10 to 20 percent, which translates to anywhere from 1 extra tag to a few extra tags going to those with max points. BIG DEAL.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-06 AT 03:06PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-06 AT 03:05?PM (MST)

Well, I can see how it would be a big deal for someone who actually has max points. With only 103 people with max points, if you put in for unit 13A or B or 21 or 2B muzzle or an archery tag you'd be virtually guaranteed a tag since almost no one with max points would do such a thing. At least I don't think they would. **I guess I could be wrong** Most people with max points are probably going to stick to units 1,4,5,7,9,10,18, and 19. I can say this, if you have max points now would be the time to find a big buck in a sleeper or out of the way unit before applying for a tag. That way you'd probably have a good shot to draw and hunt your big buck.

Now, if you're in the other boat and have very few points **like me** then it doesn't really matter. G&F could give all the tags to the max point holders and we'd all get drawn about as often as we do now! Haha. Odds are now, always were, and always will be horrible to the point of being ludicrous.
Cleric, I started this post while daydreaming. Funny you mentioned 2B muzzleloader. I've put in there second choice the last two years as second choice. No tag there yet.

I guess I'm just looking to draw a tag again someday.
My 14 B.P. in Az unit 2B produced a 80"er.Just had weak Prongs our would have made the "Big Book"Put in 6 days of scouting,and 4 hunt days,during the HUNT saw no other hunters.Hunted in the North,more hunters and numbers of "Lopes" in the South.This was the largest BUCK I'd seen while "Scouting" in the N.and S.

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