Arizona sheep 41 west outfitter?

I'm guessing you have a tag? I'm also guessing the good outfitters may be pretty filled up.
I'd check with the Arizona Bighorn Desert Sheep Society.
They can probably give you some names.
Just asking for some help.
Was that meant as sarcasm? Didn't seem helpful.
Seems to be outfitters available. I'm trying to find someone who has knowledge or first hand experience.
Apologies, bad joke. Congrats on the tag. I can't specifically recommend an outfitter but AZ game and fish has great resources for DIY. I spend my January's in AZ and love to find sheep. If you read the descriptions from AZFG, get a map and a garmin you'll find sheep. If you're out for the biggest ram in the unit I'm sure any of the outfitters you google would love to have you, a sheep hunt is a feather in anyone's cap. Wouldn't worry about whether they can squeeze you in. If you're having trouble picking I'd ask them to send current pictures of live sheep. Most of the outfitters I know follow sheep year round. In Idaho and Montana a lot of guys who buy the auction tags know the sheep they want to shoot before they buy the tag. Best of Luck.
Yes that's Arizona Desert Outfitters. Some of the best.
I second that! Eric and his crew of guides are top notch. They worked their tail off for my wife’s hunt in 40B. Feel
Free to pm if you have any questions..


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