Arizona Hunter Education class set to go January 7, 2017


Very Active Member
For those of you who are still wanting to get that very valuable permanent bonus point for ALL big game species here in Arizona, the Kingman Hunter Ed team will be doing our first class of 2017 on January 7, at the Mohave Sportsman Club's 7 Mile Hill Range, which is just 7 miles west of Kingman.


2016 archery Arizona Strip buck!

This is a one-day class and after your final test, you will have earned that point that will be on your record in time for the February elk/antelope draw.

The only requirements is that you must have taken and graduated from a Hunter Education class in another state after 1980 and you must send me a copy of your card in order to be allowed to take the class. You must FAX the hunter ed card to 928-681-2838 or send by email to [email protected]

Young sportsmen or women, ages 14 and older are also eligible to take this class IF they have taken and graduated from a hunter education class in another state.


I will also be seeking out a motel that will hopefully give participants a reduced room rate!

If you have any questions about this class, call me at 928-303-9481.

I am out on hunts right now, so it may take a day or two to get back to you; but I will answer your calls.

For you archers that are coming to the class, there will probably be left over archery javelina tags available; and you can buy an over the counter archery deer tag too. Come out and get your permanent bonus point, then spend some time in northwest Arizona hunting free range javelina and mule deer!


Cost of the class is $8.

Don Martin
Chief Instructor
Arizona Hunter Education
Region 3
Thanks for the update Don. I need to get down there one of these days and get that done. I won't be able to make it to the January class, but I'll get down there eventually.
You know with the changing of the rules for non-residents, it really has opened up the possibility of any non-resident drawing a tag regardless of the number of bonus points they have. In the past, if you weren't in the max bonus point pool for deer, you would NEVER draw a tag! Now that's all changed.

For instance, when talking about the Arizona Strip, Unit 13B, hunt number 1022, here is what happened in the draw.

There were 75 tags available, which meant that NR's could only draw 10% or a total of 7.5 tags, which I was told actually rounds down to 7. But by the new rule only 5% of those tags could go out to those non-residents who were in the max bonus point pool. That meant that 3 tags COULD go to NR's with max points. An they no doubt got those tags, as according to the AZGFD, 4 out of the first 5 names drawn for that hunt had non-resident status.

Here is a list of first names only and residency status of the first 15 persons who got tags in the bonus point draw. (20% of 75= 15, right?)

Tag 1: Michael (NR) CO
Tag 2: Robert (NR) OR
Tag 3: Mike (NR) CA
Tag 4: Michael (R)
Tag 5: Nils (NR) CO
Tag 6: Carl (R)
Tag 7: Crystal (R)Kingman resident with 18 points!
Tag 8: Barry (R)
Tag 9: Jeffrey (NR) NV
Tag 10: Daniel (R)
Tag 11: William (R) That's me!!!! with 17 points
Tag 12: Gary (R)
Tag 13: Carl (R)
Tag 14: Kelby (R)
Tag 15: Jason (R)

But there is an explanation for why there were 5 non-residents in the first 15 tags that were issued

Remember Arizona residents who are moving out of state can purchase a lifetime Arizona hunting license PRIOR to them leaving. And while they must pay NR's tag fees, they are EXEMPT from that 10% cap rule. In the draw, they are treated as RESIDENTS!

So this is what happened on the bonus point draw. No doubt some of those listed as NR's are actually in possession of a Arizona lifetime license!

So then I looked over the rest of the list and here is what I found.

Non-residents also got:
Tag 17: Donald (NR) CA
Tag 19: Richard(NR) NE
Tag 21: Ben (NR) UT
Tag 23: Michael(NR) IL
Tag 33: Jason (NR) IN
Tag 37: Tim (NR) UT

So that is 6 more tags, while makes a total of 11 of the 75 successful sportsmen and women were listed as non-residents if my math is right.

Now there are also three members of a prominent northern Arizona Strip family who list St. George addresses on their licenses; but claim Arizona resident status. They got tags 8, 30 and 75 this year. As I understand, this is perfectly legal IF they aren't claiming Utah residency too.

So before you freak out over all of this just remember what I said before about those Arizona lifetime licenses.

That is a perfectly logical answer for this. I'll bet at least four and maybe more, have those Arizona lifetime licenses. Smart move on their part to buy the license before moving out of state!

Having all the bonus points that you can accumulate can help in drawing coveted Arizona tags.


Kingman resident Mike Hendrix with an archery deer taken in Unit 13B, the Arizona Strip!

See YOU in the January 7, 2017 class!

Don Martin
Chief Instructor
Arizona Hunter Education
Region 3
Don I expect more from you. It is inaccurate to say that a person that was not in the NR max point pool "would NEVER draw a tag". It's bad that you are spreading COMPLETELY inaccurate information.
Note that BEFORE the rule changed, NO NR DREW A STRIP RIFLE TAG unless they were in the max bonus point pool.

I know, because I bought the list every year and went through them.

Just for clarification, now that the rule has changed it is possible that a NR can draw a Strip tag without being in that max bonus point pool!

Don Martin
I believe good Kaibab deer hunts are drawn with less than max pretty much every year. In your initial post you did not clarify THE STRIP.

Now the STRIP. Your theory of if no one in the past drew that in the future that will also be the case? Very flawed assumption. Currently there are 129 NR in the max pool. based on the current quota levels of 60 permits in 13A and 75 in 13B. under the old rules there would be a burn rate of 13 max NR point holders per year therefore in 10 years ALL NR max point holders would be exhausted. Keep in mind quite a few max point holders don't apply and buy points and some die shortening the time period for non max point holders to draw. Also some in the max minus 1 pool Do not have their Hunter Ed point so that would increase the max point pool and increase wait. Based on all of these factors it is IRRESPONSIBLE AND INACCURATE on your part to claim without max points one would never draw a STRIP tag under the old system. It sounds like you were part of the Article 1 committee with Amber?

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