
Work Project - Unit 4A - O'Haco Ranch Water Tank Reseal
April 14 & 15th 2012, Arrive in camp April 13th.
Arizona Elk Society Work Project - Unit 4A O'Haco Ranch Tank Reseal
We will be mucking out, grinding, cleaning and resealing a 50,000 gallon water tank on the O'Haco ranch. Jim O'Haco has been a great steward of the land and wildlife habitat. One of Jim's tanks that feeds the ranches extensive pipeline that supplies water year round to many elk and antelope is leaking and in need of repair.
We need 25 hard working volunteers on this project so please mark you calendar. We will be providing meals Friday night, Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Sunday breakfast. The Arizona Elk Society and AZGFD will be supplying the tools needed for this project.
This project will involve cleaning out, grinding and then applying epoxy. We will have tools, gloves and implements on site. Be prepared for cool mornings and possibly rain. Old clothes are recommended for those working with the grinders and epoxy. We should have enough but if you have face masks and goggles or safety glasses please bring them. We need around 25 people.
Space will be available for vehicle, tent and RV camping.
We have a map and camp directions on our website at If you sign up we will send emails with more information.
ALL volunteers welcome, you DO NOT need to be an AES member to help.
Contact: Tom Schorr, [email protected]

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

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