Arizona Desert Sheep


Long Time Member
Had a great hunt in Arizona for desert sheep. I cant believe that its over already...or that I lucked out and drew the tag to start with.

I spent 10 days prior to the season scouting for sheep and found quite a number of rams. I spent a lot of time behind glass and put some miles on the boots:


The country was something else, hard to believe these animals can scratch a living out there:


This was one of the top 3 rams that I found. I struggled with the decision between this ram:


...and this one:


Eventually I decided to go after the ram in picture #2. AZ402 that posts on this board, drove up to give me a hand for a couple days and was there when I shot the ram. I also got some great advice from Jim N. who posts on this board as well, cant thank both of them enough for their help.

We put a great stalk on the ram and got to 80 yards. One shot from my 7RM and it was over.

I'm pleased with the way the hunt went and also very happy with the ram. Couldnt have went much better for my once-in-a-lifetime Arizona Desert sheep:


Wondering how I ever deserved to take such a fine ram:


Just the ram:


Another look:


The "posse" AZ402 and myself...


Headed home:

Awesome. Congrats on a dandy ram. The best pic is the one of you trying to soak it all in. Those are the moments an outdoorsman lives for!
you did great....congrads on a great ram and a adventure of a lifetime. i can understand the pic of you trying to soak it all in....i was almost afraid to touch mine after i walked up on him.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
Congratulations Buzz
That is one of the rarest big game trophy in North America and few MMers will ever have the opportunity you just experienced. You did very well Sir!
Great ram! That pic of you soaking it in brings back very fond memories. I wish I had someone with me to take pics like that when I got my sheep. Congrats on a hunt you will cherish forever.
Congratulations --- awesome experience with a very nice ram! Hope my time comes before too long ...


"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."
Buzz...Super Great Congrats. Great RAM. Ram tags, ram hunts and rams are very special. Being able to pack YOUR sheep horns off the mountain is a very special event. Well done.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-12 AT 12:42PM (MST)[p]Fantastic ram Buzz - congrats to you. Really some fine pictures as well, a dream hunt for sure!!!
15cn?what does your ram score.A buddy had a 15d tag and it took 9 days to find a 168 ram in there.Hunted 15cn last year with a buddy and saw a brute maybe over 170.
I dont really know what it will score, as I personally have not put a tape on it yet.

The AZG&F did tape it, they came up with 164 6/8 gross, 164 2/8 net. Thats how my ram will show up in next years stats. I think their mass measurements were spot on, but I dont think they measured the length right. They had 33 on the long horn. My buddy that was with me on the hunt, borrowed a tape from G. Erickson, the warden in the unit, and he measured the long horn twice at 34. All we measured was the length and the diameter at the base (exactly 15).

Of course the longer horn length will make a difference where the mass measurements are who knows.

I'll score it in a week or two just to see, but I dont think he'll make 165 after the 60 days.

If you saw a ram over 170 in there...your buddy should have taken it. Hasnt been a 170 ram taken in there in 10 years.

What did your buddies ram score that he took last year?

Hey just saw this and congrats! From the photos I'd say you got that brute in the Chocolates!

In the past that range has produced some really big rams. Looks like it is on the rebound!

Each time I drove to Unit 15B West this year I'd look over there and wish I was hunting there!

Sounds like you had a great hunt! Congratulations!

Hope to see you next year at the sheep banquet!

Don Martin
Arizona Wildlife Outfitters


I had a great hunt out there, saw lots of sheep. Congrats to you and the hunter in 15bw on that #9 ram.

Looked to be a great ram and a fun hunt.
Yes I heard the only hunters left in the Region are in 15D, and I can't figure out why. That unit has more rams in it than any of the others!

Sheep hunts are special, since the stakes are so high. Pull the trigger or drop the string on the wrong ram and its over forever! There are no redos!

I heard about a situation down south in Region III where apparently some hunter who was being guided,somehow someway shot a really small ram.

However the bottom line is they are all trophies in my eyes, no matter the score.

I've said it all along, you don't hunt sheep, you experience them!

Any time its a once in a lifetime thing, you relish every moment, every day, every sighting.

Again good job, neat photos and an absolutely awesome ram!

Who are you having do the taxidermy work?

Don Martin
Arizona Wildlife Outfitters

Thats all true, its a tough decision as its clearly one and done once you pull the trigger. I think I did OK with the decision, but there are still a couple places I should have looked at and a few I should have spent more time in.

My only real regret is that I didnt get to spend moretime scouting than the 10 days I did. The best part of the trip was the 10 days prior to the season, no doubt about it. A lot less pressure when you dont have a rifle in your hands and you can just observe the sheep.

Seemed like the time flew by and I was out every day from daylight to dark all 10 days prior to the season.

Always one more place to look, one more spot that could hold stuff. But, its tough for 1-2 guys to cover it all.

I think I largely did all I could, I've no regrets at all.

Having a guy in Cheyenne do the taxidermy work (Steve Marrou)...he's done a bunch of my stuff and does good work on sheep.
Sweet love the pic congrats, every year that goes by I feel more fortunate to have hunted those critters.

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