Arizona Buffalo???


Very Active Member
Well, I have to buy my "hunting license" in Arizona every year to apply for sheep and elk. I have zero points for buffalo but need one to make my North American Super 10...if I should apply,...any suggestion where an lowly Non Resident might stand some slim chance.....
Not going to be much help, but I'm thinking through the same thing right now and leaning toward not applying for Arizona buffalo this year. At $5,400 for a bull tag and $3,250 for a cow tag it is just a little more expensive than I want to spend IF I drew the tag.

The season dates for the bull tags also conflict with other hunts this year for me also so I would need to just go for a point only this year anyway.

Reading up on it a little it sounds like the North Rim herd is tricky to get on the right side of the park line during hunting season and the other herd sounds more like a shoot than a hunt and I could do that a LOT cheaper somewhere else whenever I wanted.

I haven't bought a point this year as they went up to $15 and I'm not sure with the price of the tag if you draw and the other challenges associated with the hunt if I want to even mess with it anymore.

If you want to deal with a hunt where you have to catch them on the wrong side of the boundary line, this year it was 100% draw odds for nonresidents for a Wyoming Cow tag and the tag was a LOT cheaper too. Success rate is lower though.

Right now I'll just keep applying for the Wyoming bull tag along with a few thousand others and hope I hit the lotto.

My 2 cents on the subject.
If you're really hung up on the super 10 deal...for just a bit more money you could hunt muskox rather than a bison.

Muskox hunting is a better hunt and adventure IMO.
holy jesssh are you kidding...I did'nt look at the tag price that is crazy....that is that.

Buzz as far as the NA 10 goes...after I killed my goat last year I happened to be looking at the Ovis mag and started counting off... I have everything except mountinan lion...Musk-ox-Buffalo and Bear. I have never really been interested in Bears but pretty sure I can rustle up a black bear here in Coloraodo if I try. I think I can call in a mountina Lion on my own.

Now this is the part I am most intetested in. If I can get these last three animals DIY...which all the other have been...that for me would be a personal achivement...I am a big DIY guy...and my guess is that hasn't been done too many times if ever
I suspect it has been done lots of times DIY. That doesn't take away from the achievement. Not that many years ago we were far less interested in lists, etc., but that doesn't mean people weren't out there hunting.
Check off the lists if you want, but enjoy the hunts along the way. They mean more than some list anyhow.
I agree totally with llamapacker.
Enjoy the hunts and let the list be way scondary.
I'll bet that 5-6 of the guys I routinely hunt with have far exceeded the "10" and none of them have ever considered getting on the "list". Nothing wrong with the list but there's nothing sacred about it either.
It is always about the hunt and not any kind of list...just became curious about it when I stumbled upon it...

Jeeze maybe I need to re-think this I have been a long time proponenet of its about the hunt and experince and not the inches of horns and such....just hunting for memories and kind of thought it would be a personal goal I might set to give me something lese to look forward to....did'nt think it would be a negative thing...
Holy smokes that is crazy...well this is a no brainer...forget about that and keep taking my lumps with Sheep and Elk in Arizona...don't need to add a kick in the teeth
Didn't mean to come across as so negative.
I have no doubt that if you made a "list" it would be through honorable endeavors.

With that said, For as long as man has come up with lists to revere the hunt and the animal, far too many guys cheapen it by looking past the experience with only an eye for the list!

I'm on a "list" and with all the legal wrangling and in-fighting I wish I wasn't on the list. Egos abound and money gets thrown around like confetti all for the sake of the list......for some guys.

Catch my drift?

Now, go do what you want. I have no doubt about your intentions.

Zeke I get it...I know EXACTLY what you are saying there are so many thing I don't like about some hunters and thier motivations I would be up hours listing them....I have no problem with people being pround of thier success after working hard for something...but when it turns in ##### measuring and and all that bullshit I tune one of the main reason I do 95 percent of my hunting alone not into spoiling the magic I am experincing by some compettion.

When I was sitting there eating my dad cow moose steak flipping through the OVIS and came across the big ten list...I started thinking...hmm... I get allot of personal satisifaction doing all my hunts is all up to me...nd thoguth hmmmmm that would be cool goal to try and pull off intetesting goal nothing more....

But with that said...I am forgiving you for promising I would draw a UTAH sheep and tag and you were going to tie up a big ram for me......;)

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