Arizona 45C



Has anybody scouted this Unit for sheep? This place is like Mars when you get deep in it! What is a good Ram in this unit? I have been out a total of 5 days and have seen one mule deer doe and one ewe. Any info would help.
I can't help you personally intherut, but maybe post this on azod or to get some of the local AZ boys to comment.

Good luck!

45c has some great rams but if the rain fell more on the other units the sheep will move. Most of the rams seem to be on the north side of castle dome peak. Contact Bob Henry at azgfd, they did the surveys last year. Check out around the little white tanks and grey tank on the north end of the unit.
I was helping a hunter there last year and if you see a 160 class ram, I would advise you to seriuosly think about shooting it. That seems to be about as good as you'll find in this unit after all the years of drought we have had. The numbers of sheep are way down also and it isn't easy to even find one.
Good Luck and enjoy your experience in the peaceful beauty of the AZ desert in winter. You should have a great time and memories to take with you forever.
Hogan qiut giving all the good spots out.LOL. We killed a 169 ram in there a few years back.
Thanks for all the good replies. I have been out scouting a total of seven days. The highlights for those seven days: Labor Day weekend I had three of my tires tread fall off once I got back to pavement and started down the road. Also no sheep seen that weekend, only one muley doe, found a Ram skull and a three point mule deer shed. I did make it back into Yuma safely. The next scouting trip yielded one lone ewe all weekend. My last scouting trip I stepped on top of a young rattlesnake. Due to the fact that my foot was on top of it and that it was somewhat cool (temperature) in the wash that I was in, the snake only started rattling once I quickly jumped backwards away from snake. The snake proceeded to go underneath some rocks. Again no sheep spotted. I believe that with all the rains (rain=tons of water sources and lots of feed) the sheep are spread out everywhere. Maybe in the next few scouting trips I can locate some Rams. It seems from all the data that I have gathered Virgin Basin is a popular place. I might just go do some glassing in that area. Thanks again.

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