Argali Marco Polo Sheep on ebay



Check this Argali Marco Polo Sheep full body mount out on ebay, only $4,000.00

Item number: 7178215166

Not the biggest sheep out there, but not bad since those hunts cost 50K plus.
The description is a little confusing. The High Argali (Ovis ammon ammon) is found in only Mongolia and currently has very few permits and thus the hunt cost is in the 50K range. The Marco polo (Ovis ammon poli) is much more widespread lots of permits (opportunity) and the cost is in the 28-30K range. $400o for a full body mount is cheap but reasonable for a shoulder mount. Also depends on size.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
yes it is confusing. the sheep looks like a ram from mongolia, and at 46" it may be the Gobi argali as opposed to the Altai sheep. All of the photos I've seen of Marco Polo sheep show a ram with more of a mane around the neck and more white on the sheep. Anyway, It would certainly make for interesting conversations at your house!
Sorry, but I don't see how it would make for interesting conversation at your house. "Wow, where did you get that mount?" "Oh that thing........on e-bay."
I don't understand why anyone would want someone else's "trophy" in there house?

Yeah, definitely not a Marco Polo, looks like a Gobi, althought I would like to hunt both, but mark my words "I WILL HUNT MARCO POLO BEFORE I DIE!!!!!!!"
Sorry, I understand your idea of only having trophies that you harvested personally. But people come to my house and see an animal from africa that they have no idea what it is, and say "whats that?" It lets you talk about hunting, conservation, how hunting works in conservation, etc. I'm not the type to make up the story that I took any animal that I didn't. I also know that I'll probably never have the opportunity or money to be a worldwide sheep hunter. that doesn't mean I'm not interested in all those different sheep.
sjhgraysage -
That's fine, different strokes for different folks and to each there own. But if people want to go to your house just to look at animals you should be charging them an admition fee. Or why not have them go to a museum or the zoo instead of you paying thousands of dollars to buy stuff for them to look at cuz the mounts and animals don't have much meaning to you personally.
No sense argueing about it, you do your thing, I'll do mine.
Best regards.

I wouldn't pay that kind of money for a mount unless I was having my harvested animal mounted. At $4000.00 or what ever, I'd be hunting elk or mule deer someplace. The few maounts that I do have all have meaning to me, if they didn't they would not be mounted and I would quit hunting. For many reasons people that don't hunt end up coming to our house. there are times when I'd like to charge admission! LOL!

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