Area Help



Starting to build points in Wyoming for mule deer. Looking for a quality hunt with a chance to kill a good mature mule deer. Looking for some help on a couples areas that produce good mature bucks that I could look into. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
let me help you decipher the previous posts.

Deer hunters are frustrated and big bucks are getting more and more difficult to find.

There are 2 thoughts; hurry and hunt deer while you have a chance at a pretty good buck or save your points and hope we stop the declining deer quality and numbers.

I'd accumulate some points and take a look to the future and decide on a unit later.

There's 2 cents worth,
LAST EDITED ON Mar-31-14 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p]Brady,
You might think that a couple of the responses you've received are of the smart -ass variety. However, there are a couple of things to consider 1] right or wrong many on here cringe when a new poster comes on asking for information without really having participated much in the forum 2]Wyomings deer situation is tough and there isn't an area that offers consistant success on mature bucks without some REALLY hard work, luck, and intimate knowledge of the area.

For instance, last year with max points I drew a unit that both Eastman's and the Huntin' fool ranked in the top 3 in the state(that isn't why I applied there)I did months of google earth scouting, talking to biologists, guys on here, wardens, taxidermists, etc... I got every map known to man and even had some custom made. I got permission on almost all of the private land in the unit and I hunted HARD for 6 days before shooting a deer that might make 160. So when you get sarcastic responses to your question that should give you an idea why.

But hey, a bad day in Wyoming is better than a good day at work. So, buy a region wide tag, call some of the people I've listed above, and head out there for a good time. Good Luck !
I really wasn't trying to be sarcastic, just realistic. As Zeke and chipc stated, it's just the reality of things the way the deer situation is right now. I have 5PPs and didn't even enter the draw this year if that tells you anything about why I made the comment I did. Most would tell you that I would be the first to come on here and help you if I could.
I live in Wyoming and have hunted here since the 70's. It's tough but not bleak. Much depends upon your perspective. Seems like everyone wants a 180 buck and/or a 350 bull. Those trophies are tough to find almost anywhere. If you want to come and hunt and have a good time, you can do that and learn an area in the process.

I'd recommend you get a broad-based plan. Depending upon time and money (always the two limiting factors) decide what you want
to do. I feel like finding a place and hunting it routinely is best. But you should apply in Colorado every year, too. And get points in Nevada, maybe Utah and Arizona depending upon your time line. Idaho and Montana could be considerations. Maybe others.

If you can afford a private land hunt, there are some good choices in Wyoming. (Some people will complain about this, but it is still an option.) If not, hunt Wyoming when you get a few points and try to get a quality hunt in one state every year. By including several states in your plan, your goal is more attainable.

Just another guy's 2 cents.................
I would also suggest that you try and narrow it down to what kind of hunt you want. High country, rugged mountains then look at western Wyoming. Prairie type hunt look at units west of Casper.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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