Area 4 and 22 Moose

Yes, they have been cutting tags in both units and I bet they'll both take 9 points to draw this year.
I have 9 points, but I am wondering what to expect if drawn. Have seen a couple pics. of good bulls from 4 and 22 the last couple years. Noticed Guy Eastman put area 4 as a blue chip area this year in his MRS section. Have a couple more days to decide what to do, any help/info. would be great. Thanks...
I saw more bull moose in 22 last year while elk hunting than I have seen in the last several years. All were smaller, 1.5 to 2.5 year old bulls but a high number of them. I only hunted on the south side of 191. Don't know anything about 4. Good luck in the draw.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-11 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]I would not worry about it. You need to draw something this year before more of these 10/11 point poolers figure out they will never draw the top 6 or even a 12 point unit. Given the low quotas you will be fortunate to draw either 4 or 22. If I were you and had it down to 2 units I'd pick up the phone & call a biologist out there.
Thanks for the info. guys...
Yea, thats what I was thinking as far as the point problem. I will never catch up to the top areas and like zim said nither will the 10/11/12 point guys...
AH, what to do???
If they go to 50/50 next year both you and I will be super screwed. Even at 75/25 the ginormous 11 point pool will tsunami everyone. It already started last year. That was just a hint of things to come.
Yes I have 11 and I already applied for a unit with 100% draw chance for last year but the woodworkers will come out so who knows.

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