Area 320



This the unit I'll be hunting on my combo tag archery in Sept.
Just curious as to the quality of bulls and muleys/whiteys in the area. Just wanna know if I should be picky for the first few days or take the first bull/buck I can. Will be focused on elk primarily. Will be tagging along with my grandpa and staying in Sheridan. Should be up between 7 or 10 days depending minus 2 for travel to/from Missoula. Thanks.

Hold out for a 400" bull,it will make the hunt last better shoot the first bull that you would put a tag on,unless you are ok going home empty handed.
I wouldn't spend too much time searching for a big bull in the Tobacco Roots. There are a few there but not many so I would take the first decent bull you see.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-11 AT 08:01AM (MST)[p]This hunt is more for the time with family than for quality of bulls, just curious what's realistic. I've found a few pics of bulls from the area so I think I know what to expect. Thx for the info. Still waiting on my call back from the biolgist to pick his brain about it.


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