Are you kiddin me DWR!!!!!


Long Time Member
Cell phone starts ringing 5 minutes ago...


"Good evening, this is so-and-so calling on behalf of the DWR. How are you doing tonight??"

"That depends if you're going to tell me I drew my moose or elk tag."

"LOL...oh I can't give you that information but credit cards are being hit and the draws are complete."

"So I didn't draw??"

"The reason for my call is we're conducting a survey about upland game hunting in Utah."

"If I take your survey are you going to tell me if I drew??"

"No...blah blah blah..."

"Tell the DWR they're going to get a horrible survey response and they're going to piss off a bunch of people if they continue calling people TONIGHT about upland game hunting!!"

Click...[/IMG] ~Z~
That makes good sense to me........and I don't even live in Utah!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
>Cell phone starts ringing 5 minutes
>"Good evening, this is so-and-so calling
>on behalf of the DWR.
>How are you doing tonight??"
>"That depends if you're going to
>tell me I drew my
>moose or elk tag."
>"LOL...oh I can't give you that
>information but credit cards are
>being hit and the draws
>are complete."
>"So I didn't draw??"
>"The reason for my call is
>we're conducting a survey about
>upland game hunting in Utah."
>"If I take your survey are
>you going to tell me
>if I drew??"
>"No...blah blah blah..."
>"Tell the DWR they're going to
>get a horrible survey response
>and they're going to piss
>off a bunch of people
>if they continue calling people
>TONIGHT about upland game hunting!!"
>[/IMG] ~Z~

that is hilarious sorry but it is. low blow by the dwr but freaking funny .makes you wonder if one of them lost a bet in a drinking game and got voted to give you a buzz
It's only funny when it happens to someone else!! }>[/IMG] ~Z~
It was a test. They want polite, well-mannered hunters on the LE hunts to represent us well.

It's probably too late to ask for a re-do...
>It's only funny when it happens to someone else!! }>
>[/IMG] ~Z~

true i would be a little pissed if it happend to me.makes you wonder if its one of your buddies messing with ya
Got the same phone call last night. As soon as I saw "Fallon, NV" on the caller ID, I new it was survey time.

Yea, I suppose all departments should put all work on hold while the big game draw results are pending...... :'( Good Lord, some people will complain about the craziest stuff on internet forums..... ;-)

Good luck on the moose & elk tags! Sincerely!


Lmao! That's funny!

i live in mn and saw the fallon nevada number on my phone and got all jacked up thinking it had something to do with the draw,call them back and it was for the survey. i have never even been to utah what the hell!
yep i got that same call a few years back. i reported all those prairie dogs i shot on the dutton. then i also reported those prairie rattlers i was killing to. they got really pissy and said something about needing to leave the endangered species alone! wth? utah has some jacked up rules
Stinky, everyone knows you could't hit a Prairie dog if your life depended on it.

Everyone else, just take the survey and quite being little b!tches about it!

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