Are you guys in?


Founder Since 1999
The drawing for tags of course.....

What have we got, elk by 1/31, sheep, goat, and bison by 2/28, and deer and antelope by 3/15?

I need to get on it and begin forming a plan for 2014. What to do.....

Brian Latturner
That sounds about right to me.

The fact is a guy needs over 5 thousand dollars just to begin to play in Wyoming (not complaining, just stating a fact). Add to that a "few" more Western States and a guy better have over 20 thousand dollars set aside to play the game to the fullest! Add it all up if there are doubters among you.

It really has become all about the dollar$! Those with money can play to the max, those without... well... I'll just have to see what I can do?

PS: I'll be sparingly sprinkling my dollars around again this year in hopes that someone will keep a portion of it!

Good luck to all in the draws, especially me!
I understand what you're saying Zeke but you can "play" for a helluva lot less than 5K in Wyoming. Heck, You could get a NR leftover Antelope tag, region deer tag, A general bull tag, AND leftover cow tag. Then, If you planned it right you could take 10 days to drive out there and hunt 'em all at the same time and stay in a decent motel. ALL for a lot less than 5k. Its not all about being rich or searching for the biggest antlers on the mountain. Much fun can be had in Wyoming for not much money. GOOD LUCK. Chip
+1 Chip
I know that's the way the best/most hunting usually happens for me too and a guy doesn't need to be loaded to play.. and play a bunch. I usually don't do the motel thing since I've dragged my 59 Shasta trailer all over the west for almost 40 years. Saves money there too.

You were pointing out the possibilities for less money and I was whining about all the most expensive things which are beyond the means of most. Just something to whine about....My bad!

I'm all in for the rest of my life, my wife also. it is expensive but it's the best state of all the states and provinces I've hunted in my opinion. I never leave without feeling like I got more than my moneys worth.

My wife has hunted elk here in Or for 30 years and on her first elk tag in WY she killed her best bull yet. what more can you ask.

Zeke I found her pictures, I'll send one to you.

Stay thirsty my friends
Probably sitting this year out and just buying points. Last year was expensive w/ my DIY wyoming moose trips (made 3). Besides I now have a moose and mule deer mount at the taxidermist!
Applied for elk last night hoping lightning will strike twice in unit 31 (Drew there with no points in 2012 as a NR) will also apply for deer, antelope, and moose. Best of luck to everyone in the draws this year!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-14 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]


For and on behalf of 440sixpack:
Here's a couple pics from 440sixpack's wife's hunt in Wyoming.
If I remember the story, she shot it just this past Fall.
Hopefully he'll chime in and give us a story also.
This should keep our interest up for applying!
Thanks Zeke.

She shot him this last November, she got to pick him out of a herd of 7 bulls with a nice 5 point being the smallest. we saw other bulls as well.

This bull isn't anything special for the late hunts only you guys with max points are able to draw for. that's why when some of you talk of burning your max points on average hunts it makes me gasp.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Why the second guess? Anything
>we can help with?

was looking for an early season hunt with rifle .but every where I check ,it appears the elk are not in the area that is open in the early season.
Probably will end up going a little later than I was hopeing.
Some like hunting in cold and snow,not me.Living in Michigan ,I see all the snow I care to see.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-14 AT 12:35PM (MST)[p]I heard that, I've been stuck in Area 7 before because of a blizzard the day before rifle elk season...two guys died that night on the mountain...I had enough sense to get down to the rancher's house and spent the night on the floor in front of the woodstove. The next morning the snow was over the front bumper of my 4X4!
440, I'll keep you in mind when I'm ready to cash in my max elk points...saving for a rainy day. Whenever I get silly and think about cashing them in on a lesser unit you can set me straight!
Just a little heads up for those that apply for elk. If your cc is like mine (+/-) and closes out the month around the 28th of every month, wait until then to put in for WY elk. That way the $ will be on the following months statement and you will have your refund in time to pay for it.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-14 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]I just spent some time reviewing my "2014 plan", and I'm in the gap.

In two or three years, I will be in position to draw some great tags, but this year, I'm going to have to count on luck to get what I want.

Last year, I burned points to draw a great deer tag, only to have medical problems keep me at home and in bed.

I've been planning on a great hunt this year, but point creep is keeping it just out of my reach.

Great looking Bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
long shot on elk, already applied
should get the G deer tag
points on antelope
put my name in the hat for MNT goat
that will be WY 2014

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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