Are you fron the country??

  • Thread starter mywifeishotterthentiffany
  • Start date


Tell us what qualifies you as "country"

1. I plowed wheat fields for 17 years.
2. My home town only has 1 stop light.
3. I know 95% of the people in my town.
4. My wife can drive a combine.
5. I heat my house with a wood stove.
6. we pick berries for jelly.
7. I ran home made rabbit trap lines as a kid.
8. The road to my house was snowed shut for a week.
9. I have shot pheasants off my front porch.
10.I have built miles of barb wire fence.
11.I know what the words cattle guard,section line, dead man and kosha mean.
12.I have worked 120 hrs in one week.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
This thread is not worthless without pics, but they sure would help it out. :)
We were out of school for 3 weeks after the blizzard of 1993
We had no electricity for 2 weeks after hurricane Hugo
I have shot deer and ground hogs from my porch
I can stand in my yard and hear gobblers roost all around
We raised cattle and burley tobacco growing up
One of my grandpas milk cows kicked me in the face when I was 7
I can walk out in my yard and take a whizz anytime and no one will see me :D

Success is failure that tried one more time

6.One of my grandpas milk cows kicked me in the face when I was 7
Now that is country!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Dave. I sure did. I had a grandfather who grew up in the great depression. He was tough as nails and expected even more from me. Every yeah at spring seeding and harvest we worked 18hrs a day. It was seven days a week and lasted 6 to 8 weeks both times. He paid me $35 a day.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
120 hours divided by 7 days is 17 hours a day. That's possible. Pretty sure I've dine a time or two during haying and irrigation season. Maybe the townies were figuring it on a five day work week, with coffee breaks, lunch and overtime. lol

I got in last night two hours after sundown AFTER I thawed pipes and chopped ice and hauled water in my pickup for the cows that are still out.

Watched four deer scrounging for some food under the snow in the back field last night and thought I sould throw a little hay their way but was just too damn busy to get to it. Maybe today.

I woke this morning to find an electrical brownout had fried my pressure system pump so at 6:00 am I started changing out a pump, which I just happened to have a spare one of, and got water running to the cows at 7:30

As soon as I free up the battery charger from the wifes car I need to hook it up to the tractor which wont start even though it's been pulgged in all night.

I could go on. Been a helluva week here in the country. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I would however sell it all today for a reasonable cash offer.
Good list Tiff - though we didn't really need it to know where you stand! ;-)

Though we lived in town right by the Vernal airport, we did have a couple of acres of horse pasture and corrals and we tried to make it as country as possible. Vernal never was much of a city so I never considered myself a city kid. We spent almost as much time camping, fishing and hunting in the hills though so our "homes away from home" were as country (or hillbilly if you will) as it gets. Here is a short list that I hope qualifies me, though I a may not be as country as some of the rest around here.

1 - Rode, cleaned, marked and improved every single inch of trail on the Vernal District of the Ashley National Forest on horseback at least twice, most of it 4 times or more.

2 - Couldn't rest easy and feel good about it snowing until the hay was in the stackyard and the woodpile (4 feet deep and 8 feet high) stretched the full 60 yards from the garbage cans to at least the old brick pile (left over from the fireplace and chimney dad put in with grandpa and his uncles but never got around to finishing the inside until after I had moved out).

3. - Raised 4 beef cattle for 4H, with one that died before I could show him and one that didn't make weight, both of which we ended up eating. Also raised a flock of sheep that I never really wanted.

4. - Made a club house out of a chicken coop at my cousin's house.

5. - Used piles of horse turds for bases when we played baseball in our field.

6. - Swam and played in the irrigation water that came down the ditch.

7. - Carried a pocket knife to school every day since I was 7. Had a gun in my vehicle most of the time in High School.

8. - Sluffed school to go chase elk on the mountain.

And of course I could go on too. Maybe I will add some more later.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
If you misspell "From" you might be from the country...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]I'm from the country/redneck...I pulled the tranny out of my 74 Ford Hi-boy. It's now in my bathtub soaking for a bit. DEQ anyone?

I own a Patsy Cline CD.(and like it!)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
>I have removed a tick from
>my Mother-in-Laws butt crack.............twice.

You should not have let it crawl back in after you pulled it the first time.

"Plowed X acreas of wheat?" Went to minimum till for wheat, There's no money to be made from extra tractor operations. I kind of like keeping my soil too.
1. I have lived in a city of more than 300 people (not counting living aboard military bases) only 4 times in the past 55 years. 1981, 1986, 1991 and 1993. I purposely requested military transfers to remote locations...but, never got Adak, of the great sorrows of my career. :(
2. Cleaned freshly harvested rocky mountain oysters in my mom's kitchen when I was 10.
3. No running water until I was 18 and in the Navy.
4. I still clean my guns on the living room couch.
5. I still shoot coyotes off my front porch.
6. I live so far out in the country, that I had to direct the FD to my place when my barn burnt. I have no street address.
7. My wife and I butcher our deer/elk on the kitchen counter.
8. I pee off the front AND back porch AND roof of my house.
9. I grew up plowing wheat fields and harvesting barley (sometimes drinking it :) and potatoes.
10. I conned my wife into pulling cactus spine out of my hairy and pimpled butt...twice in one night.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 10:14PM (MST)[p]>LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09
>AT 04:26?PM (MST)

>I'm from the country/redneck...I pulled the
>tranny out of my 74
>Ford Hi-boy. It's now in
>my bathtub soaking for a
>bit. DEQ anyone?

It takes one hell of a man to admit that he has a tranny soaking in his bathtub! Hey man - whatever you do behind closed doors is your business! ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 11:35PM (MST)[p]Done most of what is on your list.
I raise cattle
Lost a steer 2 days ago and hauled it out farther across the pasture so I could use my deer rifle to shoot coyotes off of it from the porch.
I shoot 30+ coyotes a year just on mine and my neighbors land alone
My garden is bigger than most folks yard
My yard is bigger than most folks property
I have gone 2 full days without sleep because I was pulling calves and doctoring heifers
I use my tractor more than some use their car
I have bucked hay for 3 weeks at 14 hour days
I love to build miles of barbed wire fence (and no it is not called bob wire!)
I can tell the difference in breeds of cattle, horses and chickens by site
I have shot over 100 raccoons and possums from the porch or out of my barn
I use to have a cattle guard at my driveway entrance
I make my own hangers and door hinges out of old horse shoes
I can throw a rope better and more accurately than most can throw a ball
I would rather shop at the feed store than at any mall
And so on and so on.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

I have docked lambs and de-beaked turkeys with my teeth.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
>I have docked lambs and de-beaked
>turkeys with my teeth.
well.....I've pulled their nuts out with my teeth but never have I bitten their tails off...dang.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

I just spent the last 2 hours pulling a dead calf in 10 degree weather.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Wow some of you are born and bread country.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Yeah sorry about that bread thing. I was in a hurry. My bad.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
>I just got a hair cut,
>had a manicure and got
>lucky. Hey, a guy's gotta
>take care of himself.

Does your wife know? If not I'd hide your Nike drivers.

>I just got a hair cut,
>had a manicure and got
>lucky. Hey, a guy's gotta
>take care of himself.
Did you and you man friend go shopping for leather pants afterwards?


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>Did you and you man friend go shopping
>for leather pants afterwards?

Nah, he's kind of a heavy set logger type guy. His kids look like fireplugs too.
Spotlighted deer on my side lawn from a second story window while my brother took aim with a baseball, no wonder he never made it to the pros! Luckily he missed the window..and me!

It took longer to drive to school than to walk.

Got pulled over by a cop at 2am to see if I was going to go play basketball ball at 6am with him and some other home-towners. Good thing his niece ducked into the back seat!

Mowed every lawn in town in one day.

Had a hard time distributing food for a local food drive, because people were offended to get back what they gave.

Got an A in chemistry for "no close calls."

My mom knew that when I kissed my first girl before I could get home, two houses down the street.

Been stuck 20 miles from nowhere while bunny hunting on Christmas Eve, and to think we would have missed Christmas if my buddy didn't decide to go spotlighting deer where we were stuck that very same night.

Played soccer on the highway...when it was the only paved road in town.

Graduated with 23 other rednecks!

The principle gave excused absences so we could go hunting, our parents never cared!

I could go on an on, but I will spare myself the embarrassment.

I roped deer for fun in highschool.

I can shoot nuns, ride fourwheelers, camp out my back door

I own 2 pair of Velcro Gloves.
one_dryboot You have gloves but no sheep?

Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Sorry, I have never shot a Nun. There too damn fast.

And Yes I have one bumb lamb at the current time named Sammy the Lammy. Usually we keep 5-10 of the little maggots to help keep our Prop. tax down.
>My Wife is my Sister. :)

Is your first cousin yourself?

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
walked to work this morning, glassed some ducks on the slough from my office window grabbed my shot gun jumped 5 birds killed one drake mallard and one drake widgeon. I grew up less then a half mile away and did this same thing since I was 12. The pheasant hunting was a lot better when I was a kid. Now I would rather feed the few left then hunt them.
1. I got a coal burning natural gas.

2. My sisters a first rate whore and dad say she cant come home anymore.

3. On the corner of my porch are four stacks of wheels and tires for sale for a dollar or

4. I drink pearl in a can and jack daniels black and chew tabacca from a mail pouch sack.

5. Got an old dog that is trained to attack...sometimes.

6. I am trying like the devil to find the lord.

7. Work 120 hours a week for my room and board.

8. Got a house full of chickens and a yard full a hogs.

9. Spend the summertime cutting up logs...for the winter.

10. Can also pee off my front porch...but anyone with a penis and front porch can do that.
Well, some of you guys would make me seem like a city boy. Although I'm far from it.
-Born, raised, and still living in the same ol' town.
-My four wheeler is hand painted camo.
-Cut the deer up in the kitchen, wife does the wrapping.
-All my used oil goes into a hole in the backyard... shhh.
-Fresh Cope three times a day keeps the dentist away.
-Sheds & deadheads littered throughout the yard.
-Have had the same long johns for 15 years. I just can't seem to throw them away.
-Pulled a tick out of Nickman's wife's crack.
"my mother Pee's off the front porch. and she does not have a tally whacker"

:eek: :eek: Glad to hear that particular bit of info!

Boys, i'm so from the country, as a kid i thought everybody had a ranch. We'd come to town for several reasons; to get meat from the locker, watch the high school football game on Fri nite, go to the county fair, or, once a year, make the big trip across the bay to see all the wonders of a San Francisco Giants vs Los Angeles Dodger's baseball game.

Otherwise, we had work to do and life to live!! :)
I've fixed a high pressure power steering hose with bailing wire.
My wife helps me butcher deer and has no problem catching, cleaning, and cooking trout while I'm elk hunting all day.

I had a man with a shotgun at the rear door during my wedding, and he had a pistol strapped on his hip.

My wedding was delayed due to a gunfight, after the stagecoach broke down on the way to the wedding.

My wedding picture is in black and white(I'm only 34).

On my honey moon the indoor plumbing didn't work.

I lived 9 miles north of a town of 207 people....the address actually was "9m north hwy 87"

I pulled a stock trailer loaded with cattle down the highway with only a learners califonia.

I've moved an engine block by picking it up barehanded.

I trade ranch work for hunting rights on private land.
and last but not least...
I had to move from California to Oklahoma just so people would stop looking at me funny.
I live 100 miles from the closest Wal Mart.
I live 240 miles from the closest Mall.
My Dad took his tractor to the movie once.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
One year when I was 8-9 a distant relative gave me a skateboard for christmas. We only had a small 20x20 piece of concrete driveway where my mother parked....I got about one push, hit the gravel and ate chit.
Another time around the same age....I was riding my bike from my grandparents to home. It was about a quarter mile on a gravel road with pasture on both sides.....I thought I would try and ride with my eyes shut.....I did good for a few moments untill I hit the fence and a t-post ripped my sack....No joke :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Hell you are country for sure. you know what a T-post is. Sorry to here about your sack. I got mine caught on a barb once crossing a fences. It was no fun!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
- The house i grew up in had fifty holes in the old tin roof me and family was livin proof, the people who forgot about poor white trash and if that aint country...I'll kiss your @$$...

I am half breed country. Grew up in a town of 900 people, worked farms but my grandad sold out before I was born to take a job at the John Deere foundry.

Old man built Case IH axial flow combines and I was a towny. When I went to college, ahole burb kids treated me like a hayseed and the hayseeds back home treated me like a citidiot. Man with out a home....

My wife is pure breed country. She got in trouble once for clippin the chicken coup with a field cultivator. She is also hot and has a nice rack...but I am not going to pimp her out like some guys on this site....
ramtagless "Old man built Case IH axial flow combines"- Best Combine I ever owned and I had green ones,yellow ones and silver ones.

"She is also hot and has a nice rack" I think that everyone should have one of these at home!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Lol. Yeah - they are good machines. BeanMan posted a picture of an ancient old original IH. Classic. My old man probably worked on that machine in the 70's.

Combines have come along way....took a few laps with a hunting buddy in the latest and greatest John Deere - gps equipped and tracks everything you can think of....
My Christmas present this year is gonna be two old used swathers and a used hay baler. With the two swathers and mine, which caught fire at the end of this season, I can probably have one decent machine. The baler is practically like new, for a 25 year old machine. The baler I have now will become my "parts" machine.

Now that's a good Christmas. :)
with all this talk about tractors and impliments i just might go outside and hook up the box balde and grade my driveway.just as soon as it gets above freezing
>I made a beer carrying harness
>for my dog yesterday. Can
>I be in the club?

Only if you share your design!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]I pulled a coyote out of my gated pipe by the tail one time and shot it in the head with my 17 before it could bite me...Does that make me country???

Later, L.T.
>AT 10:59?AM (MST)

>I pulled a coyote out of
>my gated pipe by the
>tail one time and shot
>it in the head with
>my 17 before it could
>bite me...Does that make me
>Later, L.T.


I've had four mailing addresses in my lifetime and they have all pointed to the same piece of dirt, just a different road to get in.

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