Are you fat and hairy like a bear???


Long Time Member

Guy shoots a bear in not so rural Reno.

Comments here:

Hsach wrote:

Replying to Renonative58:
I live at the cul de sac where this happened last night. Monday night the bear was right in front of our house, and my husband went out and didn't see it until the motion light came on. He was less than 10 feet away. The bear didn't do anything just stayed there eating his garbage can feast. The person who shot the bear had already called the authorities and had been told they would take care of it. Instead he decided to take matters into his own hands. What if he had wounded it? Then it could have been a problem. I feel threatened living on the same street with this guy and his gun.

Why? Are you fat and hairy like a bear?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
He should have waited for the authorities.
I bet your not as mad about him having the gun if your getting robbed and he helps you.

If you don't like living by a gun owner, then move!



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