Are you a terrorist? take the test

Guess I am not as good an American as I thought I was.. But I don't care what that quiz says.. I AINT NO DEMOCRAT!
Wow - I guess that "Do you own or have you ever made a chemical, biological or nuclear weapon?" question has a lot of weight!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
[font color="red" size="14" face="face"]MOST SHOCKING!!![/font]

I'm certainly not a democrat... :)
The results seem to be skewed. I wonder who wrote it and how the results are reached......says both JB and I are flaming libs that love big government...WTF??
Test ! We don't need no stinking test. White, male, gun owner, course you're a terrorist.
It says I think freedom should only be given by the state to those who agree with the state. WTF, over.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-09 AT 07:22PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-09 AT 07:17 PM (MST)

LOL, I went through and awnsered oppisate of what I whould have and here is what it said.

""Are you taking this quiz from inside a prison cell? Because when the FBI finds you, they will jail you. Your name may in fact be on their "most wanted terrorists" list because they really do not like your point of view. In the name of security, you must be detained indefinitely. Please go to your local FBI office and quickly turn yourself in -- but keep your hands up because the government thinks you are very dangerous.

You scored 90.00% of the possible points for this test.""

The first time I got the same thing as Shummy.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Apparently they have changed their minds about me and are now monitoring my E-mail and phone usage. I hope they don't check my hard drive...:)
It told me what I aready knew I'm a "domestic terrorist. Well, at least you are according to the US government." LMFAO

"If it moves shoot it again"


How far from the truth is this bullchit:

Congratulations, you are a domestic terrorist. Well, at least you are according to the US government. Consider turning yourself in to your local authorities. There are FBI offices all around they country and they would like to talk to you. Pack your bags for Gitmo because the government doesn't like you.

You scored 70.00% of the possible points for this test.

Someones idea of a joke I guess....dumb stupid quiz.

That test doesn't know squat. While it correctly said I'm not a terrorist, it was f'ed up enough to suggest that I might be a liberal,communist and certainly a democrat. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!

Conservative and Republican. Way too much common sense to be either a liberal or democrat.
OK.... I gotta 40%...Do I win a cookie????? What the heck is Cyber-penetration? I didn't answer 3 questions....

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